  • 學位論文


Improving the Exponential Population Scheme for Model-Based Genetic Algorithms

指導教授 : 于天立




There are some parameters required to be tuned in early development of genetic algorithms. The tuning process is difficult for inexperienced users. In modern model-based genetic algorithms (MBGAs), most of these parameters are pre-determined, and therefore recent research concerning parameterless genetic algorithms targets at population size. This work is based on the exponential population scheme (EPS), which doubles the population until the solutions are satisfactory and is applicable to MBGAs without modifying their internal processes. In the thesis, three modifications to EPS are proposed. They are a new population termination criterion to prevent MBGAs from long exploration, an optimized population multiplier to grow the population size more efficiently and a method that reuses the information from the previous population respectively. Theoretical analyses of the new termination criterion and the optimized population multiplier are given. These modifications empirically reduce required number of function evaluations of EPS on several MBGAs in most cases.


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