  • 學位論文

臺灣產寡毛實蠅族 (雙翅目:果實蠅科) 之分類學研究

A Taxonomic Study of Dacini Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭旭峰


果實蠅科 (Tephritidae) 幼蟲主要以植物生殖器官組織為食,為雙翅目中極具經濟重要性的類群之一。其中寡毛實蠅亞科 (Dacinae) 之寡毛實蠅族 (Dacini) 物種多取食果實部位,東南亞地區多數農業害蟲果實蠅均屬於本類群。為了防止農業害蟲果實蠅擴散,許多非果實蠅原生地區國家對農產品制定檢疫規定,其中部分種群內物種鑑定不易,因此研究分布於臺灣之寡毛實蠅物種組成除學術重要性外,亦具有經濟重要性。本研究檢視臺灣產之寡毛實蠅族物種,並探討相關物種種群的分類議題,自 2020 至 2021 年於全臺灣共計 404 個調查樣點,利用麥氏誘引器加上含毒雄蟲誘引劑甲基丁香油與克蠅進行採集,每兩周一次收集捕獲之果實蠅,另檢查各研究機構館藏,共確認已知寡毛實蠅族 30 種中之 23 種,加上一新紀錄物種短痣背寡毛實蠅 Bactrocera abbreviata (Hardy, 1974),共計有 31 種。本文製作屬與種的檢索表,亦針對各物種進行形態重新描述,並提供包括物種地位、模式產地及存放地、異名、已知地理分布、雄蟲誘引劑、寄主植物等分類相關資訊。


果實蠅科 寡毛實蠅族 分類 臺灣


Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are considered as one of the economically important agricultural pests. In which, the tribe Dacini is mostly fruit borers and it feeding activities can cause severe fruit rot and premature drop. Therfore, the threat of the introduction of pest fruit flies necessitates the imposition of restrictions on imported fruits in the world. The taxonomic study on Dacini fruit fly species can be both scientifically and economically important. This study aimed to revise Dacini fruit fly species of Taiwan. Specimen were collected through McPhail trap baited with male acttractant methyl eugenol and cuelure. During 2020-2021, a total of 404 traping sites were set through out Taiwan. Acquired samples of fruit fly were collected once per two weeks. A species list of Dacini fruit fly occurring in Taiwan is revised, including 30 previously reported species and one newly recorded species of Bactrocea abbreviata (Hardy, 1974). Keys to genera and species of tribe Dacini, along with basic information for each species, namely taxonomic status, global distribution, attractants and host records, is provided.


Tephritidae Dacini taxonomy Taiwan


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