  • 學位論文


The Influence of Customer Relationship Management and Switching Barrier on Customer Retention

指導教授 : 林俊昇


在服務產業競爭日益激烈的今天,企業面臨吸引新顧客的成本上升以及舊客戶嚴重流失的雙重問題,故顧客保留為企業急需重視的課題。本研究採用會員制公司資料,利用結構方程模式,探討公司是否能透過正確的關係投資,提昇與顧客的關係品質,達到提高顧客轉換障礙及顧客保留之目的。 經本研究實證結果證實,關係投資確能提昇與顧客的關係品質,並降低替代方案吸引力、提升顧客轉換成本,達成顧客保留。本研究並針對此研究結果,提出管理意涵與未來研究建議。


In the highly competitive service markets, firms are recognizing the importance of customer retention. Retaining customers bring companies higher margins and faster growth. While relationship investment, relationship quality and switching barriers have been individually addressed by past studies, there has been little research integrating them with customer retention. With data collected from chained health clubs and SEM analysis, this research investigates whether a service provider can achieve customer retention through such customer relationship management practices. The results suggest that relationship investment positively affects relationship quality, leading to higher switching barriers, lower alternative attractiveness, and ultimate customer retention. Given the research findings, managerial implications and suggestions for future research are then discussed.


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