  • 學位論文

Omni-Channel商業模式研究 – 以美國、台灣服飾業為例

Study of Omni - Channel Business Models – An example of America and Taiwan apparel industry

指導教授 : 黃俊堯




Nowadays, consumers can start their consumer journey anytime and anywhere with their smart mobile devices. The obstacle between physical and virtual channels will gradually blur or even disappear, and the seamless shopping experience will help company to enhance consumer loyalty and value. With the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020, the likelihood of going to a physical location has decreased dramatically, and many people are turning to digital channels to search, browse, and purchase products. After the epidemic, physical stores opened again, people's consumption habits have changed, both online and offline channels are incorporated into consumer journey, the development speed of omni-channel will be greatly increased, therefore, omni-channel is one of the important development trends for apparel industry in the future. This study uses case study approach to investigate, analyze, summarize, and consolidate the development and phenomena of omnichannel in the apparel industry in the United States and Taiwan. The results of this study reveal that although the United States and Taiwan have a similar history in the development of retail and e-commerce, the U.S. apparel industry is more comprehensive and diversified into the development of omnichannel strategies, while Taiwan is only at the initial stage of omnichannel development. Therefore, in view of the differences in the development strategies of omni-channel, this study proposes practical suggestions for Taiwan's apparel industry in the direction of future development, hoping that the omni-channel development of Taiwan's apparel industry will be more rapid and abundant in the future.


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