  • 學位論文


Bird Species Richness and Seasonal Environmental Factors in East Asia and Australia

指導教授 : 丁宗蘇


為探討環境變因對於東亞至澳洲地區繁殖季及非繁殖季鳥種豐富度的影響,本研究針對東經70°至180°內之3,599種鳥種,以96.3 × 96.3 km網格劃分其分布,分別計算繁殖季與非繁殖季鳥種豐富度,並計算緯度、海拔變化、島嶼面積、及距大陸距離、及增強植生指數、溫度、降水量等季節性環境變因,再以廣義線性迴歸分析配合模式選擇法,選擇解釋鳥種豐富度與環境變因較佳的模式,並且佐以路徑分析探討環境因素對於鳥種豐富度的影響。結果顯示,(1) 在東亞大陸,繁殖季鳥種豐富度與夏季增強植生指數為正相關,非繁殖季鳥種豐富度與冬季溫度為正相關。(2) 在澳洲大陸,繁殖季鳥種豐富度與夏季增強植生指數為正相關,非繁殖季鳥種豐富度與冬季降水量為正相關。(3) 無論在東亞大陸或澳洲大陸,溫度之變化是造成鳥種豐富度季節差異的主要因素。(4) 影響島嶼鳥種豐富度的環境變因與大陸不同。島嶼面積與溫度對於鳥種豐富度的解釋力最大,其他的環境因素解釋力較小。本研究區內,無論是繁殖季或非繁殖季的鳥種豐富度,皆顯示物種與初級生產力之間有很高的正相關性。初級生產力對於繁殖季鳥種豐富度的影響較大,溫度對非繁殖季鳥種豐富度的影響較大,而溫度之季節變化,可能是造成鳥種遷移的主要原因。另外,在不同地域中,環境變因對鳥種豐富度的重要性會有所變化。


To examine the effects of environmental factors on breeding and non-breeding bird species richness, this study compiled distribution ranges of 3,599 bird species and environmental factors in the region between 70° E and 180° E. The breeding and non-breeding distribution ranges of bird species were transformed into 96.3 × 96.3 km grid system. Enhanced vegetation index (EVI), temperature, precipitation, latitude, range of elevation, land area, and distance to mainland within each grid were calculated. Generalized linear regression analyses by model selection method were used to select best models for interpreting breeding and non-breeding bird species richness. The effects of environmental factors on bird species richness were examined by path analysis. Results revealed that, in mainland East Asia, summer EVI was strongly positively correlated with breeding bird species richness (BSR), and winter temperature was strongly positively correlated with non-breeding bird species richness (NSR). In Australia, summer EVI was strongly positively correlated with BSR, and winter precipitation was strongly positively correlated with NSR. The seasonal change in temperature was the most important factors for the seasonal difference of species richness in East Asia and Australia. Bird species richness of islands was affected by different set of environmental factors, among which island area and temperature were most important. In brief, positively species-energy relationship was obvious in both BSR and NSR. Primary productivity was strongly and positively correlated with BSR, and temperature was strongly positively and positively correlated with NSR. The seasonal change in temperature should be the main force to drive the migration. The effects of environmental factors on bird species richness vary in different regions.


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