  • 學位論文


The Trend Analysis of E-book Research in Library and Information Studies

指導教授 : 林維真


電子書的發展正經歷一個重要的蛻變期,自1971年古騰堡計畫(Project Gutenberg)發跡以來,電子書歷經目的、內容、工具與形式上的改變,而成就了現今的使用與閱讀習慣。2010 年被視為「電子書元年」,許多產業與分析都認為電子書發展進入成熟階段,值此時機本研究針對過去 30 年的電子書研究,進行趨勢的分析,以書目計量方法深入瞭解電子書研究的重要議題與脈絡發展,期能為電子書元年提供文獻研究上的支持,並進一步歸納未來可能的趨勢方向。 其中特別選擇圖書與資訊科學領域做為優先探索的學科領域,由於圖書館與資訊機構具有其知識傳播中心的歷史地位與角色,自古至今即為收藏並整理知識的組織,當內容以及民眾可接觸的資訊資源由紙本形式擴展到數位型式,由印刷書籍到電子書,圖書館的館藏發展政策與服務對象也隨之擴充。再者,過去研究曾指出電子資源相關研究在圖書資訊學領域研究所佔比重甚高,顯示該領域對於電子書相關主題的重視,因此本研究也透過內容分析方法,進一步彙整圖書資訊學領域中對電子書研究的重要議題及其趨勢發展。 本研究結果顯示電子書研究主要集中在 2010 年,依據各年代的數量變化呼應先前研究可歸納為發跡期(1978-1991)、潛伏期(1992-1999)、曇花期(2000-2002)、沉潛期(2003-2007)與快速成長期(2008-2010)。重要研究議題則涵蓋總論、內容、類型、科技、出版與供應、規範、市場、圖書館業務以及電子書之使用與應用之九大方向;其中較為熱門的主題集中在電子書出版與供應業務、定義與趨勢發展、電子書市場以及電子書科技等四大類別。研究結果除了反應電子書研究發展處起步趨向平穩成長的階段,包含圖書館、資訊內容以及載具科技等各種利害關係人都由觀望逐漸轉為參與的態度。本研究推論未來電子書研究的發展方向也將由基礎研究轉為應用問題導向,因此諸如圖書館業務、電子書規範與標準、電子之使用與應用等反應實務操作的研究議題應會越來越受到重視。


電子書 趨勢分析 書目計量


The research field of ebook has faced its first transforming period. From the earliest launch of Project Gutenberg in 1971, the direction, content, technologies and formats of ebook has been through continuous and rapid change. And these changes also shape the patterns that identify the modern users and readers of ebook. While 2010 is recognized as the first year of the ebook era by publishers, vendors and stakeholders, it is believed that the general development of the ebook industry is getting steady and ready for the next burst of innovations. In this vein, the present study summarizes a quantitative synthesis of studies of ebook in the past 30 years, it examines the critical issues, trends and context of ebook research to form a theoretically solid basis that explains the ebook-related practices. Library and information science has been chosen specifically as the target disciplinary area in this study for its long tradition of concentration on knowledge and resource organization. With the changing formats from print to digital, reactions and adjustment measures are taken by library and information institutions. Additionally, what has been found from the previous studies supports that researches about electronic resources have been of great significance in the field of library and information science. This study therefore takes a step forward to qualitatively analyze and summary the issues and the interior change within the topic of ebook. The results have shown a peak of the quantity of ebook studies in 2010, supporting the public acknowledgement of 2010 as the first year of the ebook era. Further analysis show that ebook studies have been through five significant stages: Initiate (1978-1991), Incubation (1992-1999), First Burst (2000-2002), Rally (2003-2007) and Rapid Growth (2008-2010). Nine issues are found significant in the overall 33 years of ebook research, among them the publishing of e-books, genesis of e-book, e-book in libraries, e-book market and e-book technology are the top 5 issues. These results reflect the transformation of ebook studies from the initial stage to the stably growth, stakeholders including the libraries, publishers and information institutions are getting to actively take part in the ebook business. It is also forecasted that the future trend of ebook studies shall step forward to more application- and problem-oriented ways, practical issues that benefits the practice directly, such as the format, regulation and usage will get more and more attention.


e-book trend analysis bibliometrics


Hane, P. J. (1999). eBookNet.com Celebrates 1-Year Anniversary. Information Today, 16(9), 47.


