  • 學位論文


Celebrity Love Triangles:The News Representation of Women

指導教授 : 王泰俐


媒體新聞文本如何呈現「劈腿事件」,成為反映社會價值觀和深化社會價值觀一個重要的橋樑。媒體在報導劈腿事件時,往往會在敘事中將劈腿事件中的人物區分為「被害者」、「加害者」等角色,由於異性戀的劈腿涉及到不同性別,因此在媒體文本中歸咎「有錯」的那一方時,就可能牽涉到性別權力的運作。亦或者,新聞雖然未在內文中表述明確的責任歸咎,但卻將主動劈腿的女性建構為某種刻板的形象,這也是另一種鞏固性別權力的手段。 本研究採取質性研究方法,選擇平面媒體做為分析對象,試圖以文本分析的進路探究新聞媒體中所隱含的深層意識形態。在眾多的劈腿新聞中,僅挑選事件主角為名人的劈腿新聞,是因為主角為名人時,敘事內容才會針對主角的感情事件多加著墨。最後選擇「伊能靜劈腿黃維德」、「李鴻源劈腿高金素梅」、「吳育昇劈腿孫仲瑜」、「倪震劈腿周慧敏」、「翁家明劈腿俞小凡」、「林韋君劈腿許紹洋」、「高國華劈腿陳子璇」七個新聞事件做為文本分析,主要考量這七則事件的顯著性、時近性,再加上事件主角涵蓋知名的影劇明星及政治名人,以及三角關係中腳踏兩條船的主角包含不同性別、已婚未婚,综合考量選擇這七則新聞作為新文論述分析的文本。 研究方法採用van Dijk的新聞論述分析方法,從微觀到巨觀的分析,涵蓋新聞的意義結構和形式結構,對篩選的七則劈腿事件中的30則新聞進行論述分析。研究結果發現,劈腿新聞皆以男性的觀點及視角書寫,以男性為說話的主體,透過性別化的論述策略,將女性做為一種符號再現。此外,劈腿新聞中的責任歸咎不是依照三角關係中的位置,而是會依不同的性別角色產生不同的責任歸屬。分析七則劈腿事件的新聞命題發現,劈腿新聞中包含的性別迷思,包括母職迷思、外貌迷思、婦道迷思和第三者迷思。


再現 劈腿新聞 論述分析 女性主義 名人


The study aims to explore the news representation of women in the love triangle. How News texts present the love triangle becomes the important bridge of reflecting and deepening the social value. When the media report the love triangle, they usually distinguish the characters into perpetrators and victims. Since two- timing in the heterosexual relationship involves two genders, when the news discourse imputes the responsibility to a guilty one, it might be dealt with the gender power. Or, a news statement may construct a female two-timer into some stereotype which may also be one device to consolidate gender power difference. The study uses the contextual analysis to examine the implied ideology in the print media. In many two-timing news, the research only selects seven celebrity news as study objects. Since only if the news figures are celebrities, the news statement will focus on the relationship. The main considerations of selecting these news stories from all two-timing news are for several reasons. The different genders as well as the married and unmarried couples involved in the two-timing relationships are the parameters of the selection. Besides, the prominence and the publication time are considered. Also, the characters include political and entertainment celebrities. For the above reasons, the seven celebrities’ stories are chosen at last. The research method adopts van Dijk’s theory of news discourse analysis to analyze thirty news articles of the seven two-timing events. Results of this analysis indicate that the two-timing news articles are always narrated by the male’s viewpoints. Man is always the speaking subject. Through the sexualized discourse device, the women become symbolic representations. What’s more, the responsibility of taking the guilt is attributed not to the location of the triangular relationship but the gender roles. The results of the analysis show four domains of the gender myth, the motherhood myth, the beauty myth, the chastity myth and the mistress myth.


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