  • 學位論文


A Study of Mudstone Slope by Using UAV Surveying

指導教授 : 林俊全


邊坡地形演育是地形學重要的研究課題之一。在百年尺度下,泥岩容易受到侵蝕的特性,可提供一個獨特的機會,讓我們觀察動態的地表作用過程。臺灣泥岩區是全世界主要物理侵蝕熱點,卻缺乏探討梅雨、颱風事件造成邊坡尺度的物理侵蝕量與機制的相關研究。本研究探討泥岩地區上、中、下泥岩邊坡的侵蝕與堆積變動型態,釐清降水對地表作用的空間特性。再者根據邊坡橫剖面的變化分析,歸納坡單元的地表形態特徵,瞭解泥岩蝕溝演育的發展過程與機制;最後透過地形計測的歸納,探討邊坡的演育模式。 本研究利用無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)搭配運動回復結構(Structure from Motion, SfM)生成正攝影像與數值高程模型做為比較。研究樣區選在臺南市龍崎區牛埔里,根據雨季前後,共攝影測量五期影像,為了避免植生與陰影效應影響,選定30個邊坡作為研究區,並繪製侵蝕個案圖、蝕溝橫剖線以及地形計測。 研究結果顯示:梅雨期間,上邊坡呈現侵蝕,中、下邊坡呈現堆積;颱風期間,脊與冠部出現崩塌,下邊坡出現泥石流。颱風後的兩期資料顯示,小雨可將原先堆積在上、中邊坡的土沙持續往下邊坡搬運堆積。根據各邊坡之平均坡度,強降雨造成的侵蝕使邊坡平滑化,而後小規模降雨重新對下邊坡侵蝕下切,造成平均坡度回復初始邊坡。從坡單元剖線的變動量顯示,在梅雨以及颱風季期間,平均最大侵蝕與堆積的變動量約在20公分以上;小規模降雨期間,平均最大侵蝕與堆積變動量約在20公分以下,由此得知泥岩地形在雨季期間會將大量風化物質搬離坡面,屬於高變動狀態;小雨季節因為風化層被侵蝕殆盡,僅有少量土沙向下邊坡搬運,屬於低變動狀態。 綜合上述研究成果,有助於釐清泥岩在降雨過後以及少雨季節,蝕溝演育的發展模式。


Slope topography is one of the most important research topics in topography. The vulnerability of mudstone erosion provides us a unique opportunity to observe dynamic surface processes under a 100-year scale. The mudstone area in Taiwan is one of the main physical erosion hotspots in the world. Howerer, seldom physical erosion and mechanism of slope scale caused by meiyu and typhoon rain were discussed. In this case, types of erosion and accumulation variations of upper, middle and lower mudstone slopes in mudstone area are studied, and the spatial characteristics of surface action by precipitation are also clarified. By analysing the change of slope cross section and summarizing the surface morphological characteristics of slope unit, we can understand the development process and mechanism of mudstone gully evolution. At last, the model of slope development will be discussed with the generalization of topographic survey. In this study, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) combine with the Structure from Motion (SfM) are used to generate the orthograph for comparing with the numerical elevation model. And Niupuli in Tainan City is chose as the research area. To avoid the influence of vegetation and shadow on the slope , 30 slopes were selected as the study area. And erosion case maps, erosion groove cross section lines and topographic survey were also drawn. The result of research shows that the upper slope erodes and the middle slope accumulates during the meiyu period. And during the typhoon period, the ridge and crown collapsed, causing debris flow on the lower slope. Two of the data collected after typhoon periods showed that light rain could continuously transport the soil and sand that had accumulated on the upper and middle slopes to the lower slopes. According to the average slope of each slope, erosion caused by heavy rainfall smoothed the slope, and then small-scale rainfall cut down the lower slope again, resulting in the return of the average slope to the initial slope. According to the variation of slope unit profile, the average maximum erosion and accumulation variation is more than 20 cm during the meiyu and typhoon seasons. During the period of small-scale rainfall, the average maximum erosion and accumulation variation is about less than 20 cm, which indicates that mudstone topography moves a large amount of weathered materials away from the slope during the rainy season, which is in a high fluctuation state. While in the light rain season, because the weathering layer is eroded away, only a small amount of soil and sand is carried down the slope, which belongs to the low-fluctuation state. Combined with the above research results, this research is helpful to clarify the development mode of mudstone erosion and gully evolution after rainfall and in the small rain season.


typhoon gully slope evolution UAV SfM


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