  • 學位論文


Exploring Factors associated with the Implementation of Health-Promoting Schools and Participation in The Health Promoting School International Accreditation

指導教授 : 江東亮
共同指導教授 : 官晨怡(Chen-I Kuan)


健康促進學校是1980年代開始盛行的概念,強調以整體的觀點在學校組織推行健康促進,透過學校的承諾和健康環境營造以增進孩童、師長、家庭及社區的健康。臺灣自2001年起推行健康促進,2008年中小學全面推行,並於2011年建置健康促進學校國際認證,以評估學校推動健康促進學校的成效,但歷屆國際認證參與率僅約2.5%至5.2%。 本研究旨在探討中小學校推動健康促進的相關因素以及是否參與健康促進學校國際認證的原因,透過深度訪談法,訪談對象來自2個縣市的16所公立學校、3個政府單位及3所大學,共36位參與者,以瞭解學校、政府及學者對健康促進學校推動的看法、經驗與感受,建構出影響學校推動健康促進因素之整合性架構及學校在健康促進學校國際認證參與之決策架構。 透過整理這些資料,本研究呈現, 1. 學校組織形成共識、校長對健康促進的重視度、健康促進是否融入學校例行活動與業務當中,是影響學校推動健康促進最重要的關鍵因素。 2. 家庭社經是影響學生健康行為的因素,家庭配合度不佳是健康促進推動的障礙因素,若學校透過增加家長參與,則能夠增進學校推動健康促進的成效。 3. 學校普遍引進校外資源,並與校外組織合作。社區組織的參與與合作是影響學校推動健康促進的重要因素。 4. 學校自我衡量參與國際認證之利弊及獲獎的可能性,再加上縣市重視度影響學校參與健康促進學校國際認證之意願,最終決定學校參與與否的意向及之行為。


Health promoting schools (HPS) is a whole-school approach that emerged in 1980s. It is a holistic health promotion project in the school setting which has been advocated by the World Health Organization over the years. In 2001, the Department of Health and the Ministry of Education worked together to develop HPS in Taiwan. In 2008, all primary and secondary schools developed HPS in Taiwan. In 201l, The Health Promoting School Accreditation System (HPSAS) was established to evaluate the implementation efficacy of HPS. However, the participation rates of HPSAS were low, only 2.5% to 5.2%. The aim of the study is to identify the underlying factors associated with the implementation of HPS and the participation in The Health Promoting School International Accreditation. The study used in-depth interviews to collect the opinions, experience and feelings of the 36 participants. Interview participants were staffs of 16 public schools in 2 counties, officials from 3 government departments, and professors from 3 colleges. Then, the study used theme analysis to construct frameworks of the factors associated with the implementation of HPS and the participation in The Health Promoting School International Accreditation respectively. According to the data, results revealed that: 1. Principal support, HPS consensus of school members and the degree of HPS integration into schools are critical factors of the implementation of HPS. 2. Family socioeconomic status influences health behavior of students. Parents support was a key factor in HPS’s implementation. Engagement from parents may lead to better efficacy of implementation. 3. Schools get resources from the outside school, and cooperate with local organizations. Engagement and cooperation of community organizations are important factor in HPS implementation. 4. Schools see the pros and cons of participation in The Health Promoting School International Accreditation, and judge the winning probability of it. Attitude toward HPS of county government also has influence on the schools’ intention of participating.


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