  • 學位論文


Exchange Rate Policies Adopted by Taiwan Central Bank: Review and Investigation

指導教授 : 陳思寬




In this paper, we investigate whether Central Bank of Republic of China (henceforth: Taiwan Central Bank, TCB) executed exchange rate policies consistently as they announced to the public during the terms of last four governors of TCB. In addition, we examine whether the exchange rate policy varied with different TCB governors. We find that during the time from May, 1989 to February, 2018, TCB adopted the policy which we referred as “Block appreciation; nonintervention in depreciation”. That is to say, TCB interfered in the foreign exchange market when TWD appreciated and took actions to block the appreciation. On the other hand, when there was depreciation, TCB chose to let them slide. If we further partition the whole data set into subsamples and make them match the terms of different TCB governors, the empirical results show that during the period of March, 1995 to February, 1998 and March, 1998 to February, 2018, TCB implemented “Block appreciation; nonintervention in depreciation” strategy (For the latter 20-year lasting period, we also divide it into 4 subintervals and conduct empirical analyses separately. See chapter 5 and Appendix for the rationale and results, respectively.), yet throughout the spans of June, 1989 to May, 1994 and June, 1994 to March, 1995, the evidences show that TCB did not significantly intervene in the foreign exchange market.


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