  • 學位論文


A Study on the O2O Consumer Behavior: Finance Payment and Preference in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


銀行面臨數位化衝擊,金融服務將無所不在,回歸思考使用者需求 以提供金融服務,透過問卷設計調查全台灣 20 歲以上民眾對於金融服務 和支付行為的態度與行為,以追求使用者體驗最佳化與全通路一致性。 以創新擴散理論預測未來實體服務將更強調服務效率與服務親切感,而 非地點方便性;線上服務仍以隱私與安全為主要考量,但將更偏重於服 務操作的便捷性,相比於傳統銀行面臨數位化考驗,使用者更重視數位 銀行延伸的實體服務與連結性。 折扣回饋和交易安全是消費者最關心的兩大支付考量,行動支付用 戶多數為折扣考量者,尤其使用 3 家以上的行動支付使用者,然而曾使 用過卻停止的行動支付用戶,重視實體付款的簡單方便性高於交易安 全,線上付款重視簡單方便的程度也較整體高,揣測現階段行動支付以 折扣吸引用戶,針對用戶體驗並沒有突出之處,相較於解決交易安全問 題,如果能解決使用上的不便之處,渴望更快速吸引創新先驅者使用行 動支付,停止使用的情況也能降低。 研究亦發現支付考量和銀行服務偏好具有關聯性,藉由集群分析將 五大支付考量因子進行分群,發現優惠愛好者較重視實體服務體驗,思 慮縝密者除了支付考量多個面向,也特別在乎數位銀行服務的安全性, 安全易用者不僅重視交易安全,也較重視實體銀行數位化的連結性與數 位銀行的操作便利性。


As the banking industry continues to disrupt at an ever-accelerating pace, “Bank 4.0” pointed to how to build the new business model using first principles and customer needs. This research discussed the financial consumer behaviors through questionnaires answered by 20 years or older Taiwanese to optimize consumer experience and consistency of Omni-Channel. According to the innovation diffusion theory, this study predicts that physical financial service emphasizes service efficiency and attitude rather than location. Therefore, online services will still stress privacy and security, but focus more on usability. Compared with the digital transformation of traditional banks, users will pay more attention to the extended physical services and the connectivity of digital banks. Discount and security are the two most considerable factors for payment. Most of the mobile payment users prefer discount, especially those who use more than three different mobile payments. However, users who stop using mobile payment weigh more on the simplicity and convenience of physical channels, rather than the discounts provided by mobile payments. At the same time, online channel users overall also view simplicity and convenience more important. From the above results, we speculate that as a result of mobile payment companies attract users with discounts regardless of excelling in user experience, users stop using mobile payment. If companies focus on advancement of user experience rather than transaction security, the situation will improve and the adoption of innovative pioneers will be promoted. The results indicate, the attitude of payment is related to the banking service preferences. By cluster analysis of payment factors, the first group who prefer discount of payment pay more attention on physical service experience. The second group who consider multiple aspects of payment especially focus on the security of digital bank services. The third group stress not only transaction security but also the connection of channel and the convenience on operation of digital banks.


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