  • 學位論文


Study on the Cities Competitiveness of Two-Straits

指導教授 : 劉順仁


台灣在70-80年代經濟飛速成長,使台灣從農業與輕工業為主的國家,轉型為工業國家,藉由外資進駐與政府有計畫地培植高科技產業,學習到先進技術,開啟了以代工為主的經濟發展。中國城市近年的發展,與台灣城市過往發展有異曲同工之妙。中國執行改革開放政策,藉由人口眾多,勞動力充足的動因,勞力密集產業移往中國發展,促使中國城市大量接受外來資訊,加速改革開放的腳步。 瑞士洛桑管理學院(IMD)提出的2007世界競爭力評比,台灣排名由第十七名退步到第十八名,中國則由第十八名進步到第十五名,這是在全球主要競爭力指標中,台灣第一次落後於中國。面對中國經濟發展快速,基礎建設也因為改革開放而加速進行,台灣城市不可小看中國城市未來發展。 因此,本研究以2000年與2004年的統計資料為基準,針對台灣23縣市與中國31城市進行兩岸城市競爭力評比的研究,以「經濟發展與政府」、「醫療教育」、「建設與科技」以及「生活環境」等四大構面共計30個指標,且採用主成分分析法決定各指標權重,進而計算各城市在構面中的得分,並據以分析兩岸城市競爭力在時間更迭下的消長。研究顯示,台灣仍以台北市、台北縣以及桃園縣共構的北台灣經濟圈,以高雄市為首的南台灣經濟圈,表現出的競爭力為最佳。而中國城市則以東南沿海的深圳、廣州的競爭力最佳。 關鍵詞:兩岸城市、城市競爭力


The economy development in Taiwan grew rapidly during 1970 to 1980. With the aid of foreign investment and government policies, Taiwan changed its economic model from agriculture and light industry to original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Urban development in Mainland China is similar with Taiwan’s economical development in the past seventies and eighties. China relies on the mass population to attract foreign funds. After adopting the open door policy, people take this opportunity to learn advanced information from foreign companies and it also accelerates the reformation in China. IMD announced the 2007 overall ranking for the 55 countries. Taiwan is ranked by No.18 and China is ranked by No.15. It’s the first time that Taiwan falls behind China in those kinds of competence research. Facing the challenge of China, how to develop unique competitive advantage is the main task for Taiwan. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to establish a model of cities competitiveness between two-straits. We use four factors, including “economic growth and government”, ”medical treatment and education”, “infrastructure and technology” and “ life environment”, total 30 criteria to evaluate 54 cities. In order to make this study more objective, we use principal component analysis to distribute the weight of each criteria and calculate the score of each city. Based on the result, the north Taiwan economic zone, including Taipei, Taipei County, Taoyuan, and the south Taiwan economic zone present excellent city competitiveness. While Guangzhou and Shenzhen also show better competitiveness than other cities in China. Key words:cities of two-straits, urban competitiveness


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