  • 學位論文


2006 Anti-President Chen Shui-Bian Movement's Strategy

指導教授 : 彭文正 倪炎元


2006年由於當時的總統陳水扁周遭的家人和親信爆發貪瀆的新聞,使得社會中瀰漫著一股反扁的情緒,之後,施明德等人發起的紅衫軍倒扁運動,藉由當初倒扁總部的造勢活動,成功的募集了龐大的資金,以及吸引百萬的人潮參與,並且藉由倒扁總部的媒體策略,該活動也吸引了國內外媒體的目光,獲得各大媒體的報導。綜觀台灣的群眾運動發展史,此次群眾運動所動員的人數和募款的數目,都是前所未見的,故本篇深度採訪報導希望能夠藉由對於倒扁總部當時的決策高層,做個別的深度訪談,了解當初是如何達成決策,決定用何種媒體策略,吸引媒體的關注和號召民眾參與。此外,本深度採訪報導也將針對當時採訪的報社記者做訪談,探討當時的新聞媒體,對於此次活動的看法,以了解此次活動的媒體策略,是否真的達到當初倒扁總部的預期。 訪談的結果如下:(ㄧ)當時社會上的反扁氛圍,助長了紅衫軍的募款和氣勢,所以能夠號召到如此多的民眾參與該次活動;(二)另一方面,倒扁總部採用范可欽的建議,利用不同的「話題」和「行動」來炒熱活動,並且透過不同的議題炒作,增加本身活動在媒體上的曝光率,維持活動的熱度;(三)然而,在倒扁總部的內部,卻也因為缺乏民主的機制,和對活動路線的爭執,導致最後演變成藍綠的對決,終使活動無以為繼;(四)在媒體記者方面,受訪者皆提到了倒扁總部的媒體策略是把雙面刃,撐開活動的廣度,卻使活動缺乏深度,此外,受訪媒體也提及台灣藍綠媒體政治版圖的問題,以及倒扁總部的操作手法,使得媒體都跨越了本身的分際,而涉入了該次的事件。 本深度採訪報導發現,此次的紅衫軍倒扁運動,是個倒扁總部、社會氛圍和媒體三者交互影響,所形成的ㄧ個大型政治公關行銷活動。


This paper talks about the anti-president Chen Shui-Bian protest in 2006. This protest not only gathered more than one million people joining, but also rose more than one billion dollars fund from the society. Both the participants and fundraising broke the record of Taiwan’s social movement history. This paper will try to interview both those people, who were in charge of this protest, and the journalists, who wrote the news stories during that period of time, in order to figure out what kinds of PR strategies this protest used to attract the media and society’s attention. The majored findings included: (1) The social atmosphere at that time benefited the protest’s fundraising and recruitment. (2) This protest used different “topics” and “activities” to keep the issue hot. Also, it kept feeding journalists various news issues in order to attract media’s attention. (3) However, headquarter of this protest was lack of a democratic policy to make decisions. As the protest went by, headquarter of this protest also wrangled over either using the peaceful ways or the hard line demanding to obtain its goal. All this factors weakened the protest and led it to its end. (4) In the media part, journalists all mentioned that the PR strategies that the protest used made this activity’s size become bigger, but also restricted its meaning going deeper. Moreover, based on the interview, the journalists confessed that news media in Taiwan are deeply influenced by the political power. Each newsagent might have its own political points of views and choose to represent the news in different ways and got involved in this protest. This paper found out the 2006 anti-president Chen Shui-Bian protest is a political PR strategies which included the protest itself, media, and also the social atmosphere.


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