  • 學位論文


Study of Linear and Saturated Behavior of the Gyrotron Back-Wave Oscillator

指導教授 : 朱國瑞


磁旋返波振盪器有高功率和頻寬大範圍的兩大特性,其特性使其成為很有潛力的微波供應源。磁旋返波振盪器的共振是憑藉內部回饋迴路,而非共振結構。在線性區間場形延伸整個作用段,而飽和的場形完全取決於回饋迴路的的能量。振盪頻率跟場形由電子跟電磁波交互作用而定。線性情況下,電子能量的吸吐次數定義軸性模式的級數。飽和性質跟鬆弛長度(relaxation length)緊緊相關。


Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillator (Gyro-BWO) for its high power handling and wide frequency tuning capability is one of the promising high power coherence radiation sources. These oscillations build on an internal feedback process, which requires no resonant structure. The linear field extends over the entire structure length, whereas the saturated profile depends strongly on the energetics in the internal feedback loop. In the absence of a resonant structure, the oscillation frequency and axial field profile are governed entirely by the interaction dynamics. Linearly, the number of regions of positive energy deposition determines the order of the axial mode. The relaxation length determines the saturated behavior.


Gyro-BWO Maser Gyrotron


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