  • 學位論文


Relationship between Humor Clusters and Health Status among Junior High Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李蘭


本研究目的為瞭解台灣地區青少年因為幽默表現而形成的集群,並進一步探討其與健康的關係。利用「臺灣地區國中生有關幽默之概念及型態:幽默對個人健康的影響研究」計畫資料,進行次級資料分析。前述計畫之研究樣本是自台灣的北、中、南、東四個地區,各別以隨機方式抽出五所國中,合計共有20所樣本學校。於每所學校各年級中皆隨機抽出一班,結果共有1,913名學生樣本。納入本研究的有效樣本有1,639人,其中男生854人;女生785人。前述計畫利用自行發展之「台灣青少年幽默與健康調查問卷」,於2007年三至四月收集資料。本研究以SAS 9.0統計軟體進行分析。結果發現,台灣地區國中生的幽默表現方式可萃取出四個因素(矮化自己、搞笑舉止、矮化別人及機智表現)。利用前述因素結構加上人格特質,可將研究樣本區分成四個集群,分別命名為幽默達人群(14.4%)、溫和風趣群(18.8%)、少許幽默群(32.2%)及正經嚴肅群(34.6%)。健康狀況分別以自覺健康、生理健康、心理健康和社會健康為指標,進行幽默集群間的比較。結果發現,正經嚴肅群的「自覺健康」比少許幽默群好;正經嚴肅群的「生理健康」顯著優於其他三群;幽默達人群、溫和風趣群及少許幽默群的「心理健康」和「社會健康」,都明顯優於正經嚴肅群。根據本研究結果,為了促進青少年的心理與社會健康,建議可鼓勵青少年以幽默表現來因應各種情境。此外,針對幽默達人群、溫和風趣群及少許幽默群的生理健康不如正經嚴肅群的現象,建議未來研究做深入的探討。


幽默 青少年 健康 因素分析 集群分析


The purpose of this study is to understand the humor clusters among adolescents in Taiwan and to explore the relationship between humor clusters and health. Data obtained in the nationwide survey focusing on humor and health was used for secondary data analysis. For sampling, two-staged stratified random sampling and cluster sampling conducted to choose the study subjects from four areas in Taiwan. Five schools in each area and one class of each grade in a school were randomly selected. Taiwan Adolescent Humor Scales (TAHS) and health questionnaire were adopted to collect data. The completed subjects were 1.639 students. Using factor analysis, the humor expressions were categorized into four factors: self-devalued, performance, others-devalued and intellect. Based on the factor scores and personal traits, a cluster analysis was generated and classified the students into four groups which were named Humorist Cluster (14.4%), Witty Cluster (18.8%), Ordinary Cluster (32.2%) and Serious Cluster (34.6%). The result indicates that the Serious Cluster has better “perceived health” than the Ordinary Cluster, and its “physical health” is significantly better than the other three clusters. In the meantime, the Humorist Cluster, the Witty Cluster and the Ordinary Cluster have significantly better mental and social health than the Serious Cluster. It is suggested that adolescents could cope with various situations using humor to promote their mental and social health. As a result of the Humorist Cluster, the Witty Cluster and the Ordinary Cluster have poorer physical health instead, future studies should explore the mechanism between humor and physical health.


humor adolescent health factor analysis cluster analysis.


