  • 學位論文


The Influence of Taiwan Idol Drama Involvement on Taiwan Tourism Image

指導教授 : 陳惠美
共同指導教授 : 顏家芝


近年來亞洲地區掀起一股戲劇熱潮,進而帶動觀光產業的發展,因此許多地方都開始結合影視來做為地方行銷的策略。就臺灣方面來說,本土自製的偶像劇從產量和海外銷售的情況就可了解,臺灣偶像劇已在亞洲影視市場中佔有一席之地,並且許多偶像劇拍攝地也同樣湧現了大量的遊客,因此這幾年從中央政府到地方政府都以偶像劇做為吸引遊客的宣傳策略。然而影視對於拍攝地最初的影響,是在於觀眾對地方的看法,進一步才會使觀眾產生前往拍攝地的念頭和旅遊行為,但是過去卻沒有以臺灣偶像劇的觀點來探討遊客對臺灣意象的相關研究。此外觀眾對於拍攝地的觀感,除了影視本身的因素之外,也與觀眾對影視活動的投入程度有關,而觀眾對觀看影視活動的投入程度就是一種休閒活動涉入的概念。由於觀光意象會影響遊客的行為決策,因此評估意象的組成就變得十分重要。然而意象組成是個變動的過程,根據資訊來源主要可分為旅遊前和旅遊後,且對於觀光部門來說,也必須了解遊客對觀光地旅遊前與旅遊後之間的認知落差才能有效執行相關政策,而了解遊客的行為決策,除了評估遊客旅遊前後的意象認知變化之外,也可以從遊客的旅遊滿意度與忠誠度,來了解遊客後續的旅遊行為。因此本研究主要目的是探討藉由探討曾經觀看臺灣偶像劇的國際遊客其影視涉入程度、觀光意象、旅遊滿意度與忠誠度之間的關係,並且提出以影視做為臺灣觀光行銷的建議。 本研究是以結構式問卷的方式,來調查曾經觀看臺灣偶像劇經驗的國際自助旅客,問卷分為旅遊前和旅遊後兩種形式:旅遊前問卷包含臺灣意象、對觀看臺灣偶像劇活動的投入程度以及個人特性;旅遊後問卷包含臺灣意象和臺灣旅遊經驗。研究地點選在桃園國際中正機場第一和第二航廈的入境巴士接駁處,目的是先旅遊前的評估,並且在此留下受訪者電子郵件地址,以做為後續調查旅遊後的評估。最後在現地一共回收444份回答旅遊前的問卷,而將現地問卷透過網路郵寄後,最終旅遊前和旅遊後皆有回答的有效問卷一共是189份。 研究結果顯示本文以影視議題的角度來探討觀光意象,與一般的觀光意象面向不同,其中特殊的觀光意象構面為「媒體產業發達」;曾經觀看臺灣偶像劇的國際遊客其旅遊前和旅遊後意象的認知一致性高,旅遊後僅有對「媒體產業發達」的認知有明顯的降低;曾經觀看臺灣偶像劇的國際遊客其影視涉入程度會正向影響對臺灣觀光意象的認知、對臺灣觀光意象的認知會正向影響到旅遊滿意度,並且旅遊滿意度會正向影響忠誠度;影視旅遊目標族群的特性以女性、34歲以下和大學教育程度為主,而旅遊特性為重遊率高且偏好中長期旅遊型態。


In recently years, drama has become a trend in Asia and further to stimulate the tourism industry. Thus, many place marketing strategies have linked the film to promote the location. In the terms of Taiwan, we found Taiwan idol drama has its stand in the Asian, because many dramas have be produced and sold to many place. And the filming location of idol drama also has an increase in tourists’ number after broadcasting. Therefore, from the central government to local governments used idol drama to attract tourists as publicity strategy in recent years. However, the direct impact of film media in the filming location is the perception of audience and it will promote the audience to the filming location and result travel behavior. there has been little research conducted on the association of Taiwan image with idol dramas in the past. However, the audience perception about the filming location is not only from the film but also related to the involvement of audience. It will be different because of individual's cognition came from different amount of information. Tourism image will affect tourists’ decision-making behavior, so we need to assess the image formation that could help the tourism sector to be more effective to implement the related strategies. In addition, the image formation is a dynamic process, so it has the different ways about the marketing and management to the different image stages. For the tourism sector, it is very important to understand the gap between pre-trip image and post-trip image. In addition, there is not only to evaluate changes in the image formation, but also to understand satisfaction and loyalty. This will have an impact on the following travel behavior. As we noted above, the main purpose of this study was to explore the image of Taiwan from the idol drama and the relationship between international tourists’ perception about Taiwan. Besides, we understand the causal relationship between travel satisfaction and loyalty to provide a tourism marketing proposal from the point of view about film. This study used structured questionnaire to investigate the independent tourists who had watched the Taiwan idol dramas experience. There had two questionnaires:one is the pre-trip questionnaire, it was including images of Taiwan, the involvement of watched Taiwan idol drama and personal characteristics;another was the post-trip questionnaire, it was including images of Taiwan and tourism experiences in Taiwan. The survey site was at the bus station of the first and second terminal in Tao-yuan international airport. The purpose is to assess the pre-trip tourist and leaves their e-mail address to ask the post-trip questionnaire. Finally, the pre-trip questionnaire were 444, and the post-trip questionnaire were sent by Internet. Finally, we got the usable questionnaire were 189. The results showed that this research used film’s issue to explore the tourism image was diffierent form general tourism image dimension. We found that the unique image dimension was “Booming film industry”;The perception of the pre-trip image is similar to the perception of the post-trip image, and only the dimension of “Booming film industry” dropped off after travelling;The results mean that the the degree of Taiwan idol drama involvement has a positive impact on the tourism image, the tourism image a positive impact on travel satisfaction, and the travel satisfaction has a positive impact on loyalty;The main marketing group of the film-induced tourism is female, 34 year-old people, the education level is colleage, the rate of revisitation is higher, and they prefer a more long-term trip.


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