  • 學位論文

我國中央社會福利行政組織體系演變過程 之研究(1987-2010)

Research for Evolution of Taiwan´s Central Social Welfare Administrative System(1987-2010)

指導教授 : 古允文


自1987年7月30日,行政院長俞國華指示修正《行政院組織法》起,我國中央政府組織改造工程,歷經23年,終在2010年1月12日我國立法院通過《行政院組織法》修正案、《中央行政組織基準法》修正案、《中央政府機關總員額法》以及《行政院功能業務與組織調整暫行條例》等組織改造4法後,宣告塵埃落定。未來,將整合現有「衛生署」和「內政部社會司」業務,成立「衛生福利部」。為我國社會福利發展過程一重要里程碑。研究者有幸曾任行政院組織改造推動小組一員,工作期間深感組織改造工程推動之複雜,更明白今日成果得來不易;兼以希能將所學與工作結合,因此透過本研究對此段歷史為一綜整,同時亦對23年來,堅持不懈、致力於推動我國組織改造工作的各位長官、同仁致敬。   本研究由「國家中心」取向(state-centric approach)出發,綜整出「國家結構」、「國家自主性」、「先前政策」以及「國家文官決策」4個指標;配合歷史研究方法,蒐羅先前史料,探究各個不同階段間,我國組織改造工程下,對社會福利行政組織的設計及其意義。   研究發現,1987年解嚴後,「國家結構」從威權體制走向民主開放,組織改造案的內涵和推動成員亦隨之日趨多元,並於2004年以《中央行政組織基準法》建立法制化規範,均顯示民主國家的重要特性。而「國家自主性」的增加卻無益於組織改造法案順利通過,尤以2000年至2008年民進黨執政時期,「朝小野大」時期最為明顯,國家自主性低落。歷年來賡續由研考會組成的組織改造推動幕僚組織,使得「國家文官決策」相對穩定且有延續性,是促成組織改造法案能夠通過的重要正面因素。「先前政策影響」上,雖我國社會福利逐年發展、預算額度增加,但仍未能同步促成主其事的組織獨立設部,在組織設計上,顯見受整體組改決策的影響較大。   最終,基於本研究時間與人力上的限制,建議未來研究者,可以本研究資料為基礎,加入質性訪談資料,並應持續關注未來「衛生福利部」內部組織設計架構,對我國社會福利發展以及中央、地方業務銜接的影響。


On July 30, 1987, the Premier of Executive Yuan, Yu Kuo-hua gave orders to amend the Organic Act for Executive Yuan. Ever since then, 23 years have passed and the reformation of Taiwan’s central governmental structure finally occurred. On January 12, 2010, the Legislative Yuan finally passed four reformation acts including amendment for the Organic Act for Executive Yuan, amendment for the Organization of Central Administrative Agencies Basic Law, Central Government Agencies Total Staffers Law and Adjustment of Executive Yuan Functional Operations and Structure. In the future, we would integrate the current functional operations of the Department of Health and the Department of Social Affairs at the Ministry of the Interior to establish the Ministry of Health and Welfare. This would be an important milestone for the development process of Taiwan’s social welfare. It is my privilege to be a member of the Executive Yuan Reformation Initiative Committee. During my work, I understood in depth the complexity in initiating the reformation project and also acknowledged the hardships to achieve our current results. I hope to apply what I have learned to my work and so, I wish to summarize this piece of history through my study. At the same time, I would like to pay tribute to the officers and colleagues that devoted their unremitting efforts in initiating the reformation of our country’s governmental structure for the past 23 years. This research adapts a state-centred approach in summarizing four major research indicators, State Structure, State Autonomy, Previous Policies and Policy Decision Making by Civil Officials of the State. By assorting to historical research methods and collecting previous historical data, we investigate the plans of Taiwan’s reformation project and their meanings for the social welfare administrative structures at individual stages. The research found that after the lifting of martial law in 1987, the State Structure shifted from authoritarian regime to open democratic. The connotation of the reformation project and the members of the initiation gradually became more diverse. In addition, the Organization of Central Administrative Agencies Basic Law in 2004 established legislative specifications. These all demonstrate the important characteristics for a democratic country. It was noted however, that the increase in State Autonomy did not benefit the pass through of reformation acts, especially during the period when the Democratic Progressive Party was in power from 2000 to 2008. In the period when the opposition party greatly interfere the ruling party, State Autonomy was low. For the past few years, the Reformation Initiative Committee, organized by the Research, Development and Evaluation Committee continued to initiate Advisory Structures which made Policy Decision Making by Civil Officials of the State relatively stable and continuous. This is an important positive factor that reinforced the passing of reformation acts. As regard to Influences of Previous Policies, although Taiwan’s social welfare continues to develop every year and the budget did in fact increase, we still have not synchronized the establishment of independent structures. It’s apparent that the planning of the structure had been influenced greatly by overall decision making for reformation. And finally, due to the limitations of time and resources given for this research, we suggest future researchers to utilize our research data as their foundations and then input additional qualitative interview data. We also recommend that more focus should be placed on the inner structure plans of the future Ministry of Health and Welfare and its influences to Taiwan’s social welfare development as well as central and local functional operation connections.


