  • 學位論文


A Study on the Regional Market Strategies for Taiwanese Software Companies

指導教授 : 李吉仁


台灣的硬體科技產業雖然具有全球的競爭力,但隨著產品差異性降低,強大競爭者加入市場競逐市占率的結果,台灣的硬體科技產業從蓬勃發展,到「毛三到四」,甚至近日所謂「四大慘業」的困境,如何發展下一波的台灣科技產業是政府與產業業者當今非常重要的議題。 高科技產業裡,軟體產業屬於低污染、低投資成本,但有高投資報酬潛力的領域,台灣軟體產業已發展了三十多年,在這麼多年的奮鬥之下,台灣軟體產業的廠商規模偏小,市場還是以內需市場為主,產值更不能與資訊硬體產業相提並論,但台灣的人力資源素質高,軟體產業應該有機會可以跟資訊硬體產業一樣在國際市場上大放異彩才是。本研究擬針對此一議題,提出可以讓台灣軟體產品走向區域市場的一個創新商業模式。 台灣是一個經濟自由發展的成熟市場,軟體產品公司有台灣本地的資訊服務業者,也有力推產品與解決方案的國際資訊大廠,軟體產品公司的現行發展有多種不同的方向,本文藉由價值網的競合策略分析架構,提出一個結合產品(Products)、專業服務(Professional Services)與專案開發(Projects),或謂「PPP金三角(PPP Triangle)模型」的軟體產品創新商業模式,透過這一套商業模式的運作與經營,讓資訊服務業者能整合上遊供應商、互補者與競爭者,於競爭市場上獲得最大的商機與利潤,在台灣建立最佳實踐(Best Practice)的營運模式。 最後,本文在「PPP金三角(PPP Triangle)模型」的區域市場佈局邏輯基礎上,結合「AAA金三角(AAA Triangle)模型」的概念,提出全球策略的建議,希望能將「PPP金三角模型」的創新商業模式成功地推展到包括中國大陸、日本、韓國…等之區域市場,建立台灣軟體產業邁向國際市場的一大步,並適時結合台灣硬體科技產業於國際市場之既有基礎,提昇台灣科技產業在國際市場上之強大競爭力。


Taiwan has been famous for the global competitiveness of its hardware products in the high-tech sector for the last decade. However, it’s getting harder for these hardware companies to differentiate themselves with competitors and hence they have to face severe price competition and therefore turn to low margin. How to transform the hardware sector by introducing innovative business models has become a critical issue for developing country competitiveness. Compared with the hardware sector, software business is characterized as low-polluted and low-capital intensive, but with the potential of high return on investment industry. Despite 30 years’ endeavors, the majority of Taiwanese software companies are still concentrating on domestic market and therefore reveal limited scale economies. With the same high quality of man-power in Taiwan, software industry should have the opportunity to make the same great performance as hardware industry does in the international market. The present study will focus on how to build a feasible innovative business model for Taiwanese software companies aiming at the business opportunities in the regional markets. Based on the framework of Value Net Analysis, we propose a three Ps’ integrated services business model, so called “PPP Triangle model”, which combines product services, professional services and project services, that a Taiwanese software company can pursue. By running this business model, the software company could integrate and leverage its suppliers, compensators, and even competitors to win business opportunities and gain much more margins in her business competitions. In addition, we elaborate the logistic and ways to approach the regional markets for “PPP Triangle model”. By applying “AAA Triangle model” in global strategy, we propose each P’s regional market strategy for “PPP Triangle model”. Finally, we further suggest that by combining the sophisticated technology and leveraging the existing international markets of hardware industries, software companies could strengthen the competitive ability for Taiwan’s high-technology industries. Implications of our research outcomes are also discussed.


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