  • 學位論文

經典詮釋與權力競逐: 北宋前期「太平」的形塑與解構(960-1063)

Classical Hermeneutics and the Competition for Political Power: The Construction and Deconstruction of the "Era of Great Peace" in the Early Song Dynasty (960-1063)

指導教授 : 梁庚堯


本文嘗試結合經學史與政治史,將儒教經典視為士大夫政治思想的資料庫,探討因應不同的政治局面,不同的士大夫群體如何各自援引、詮釋經典,以提供君主一套解決當前課題的辦法,從而為自己爭取政治權力。 以號稱「太平」的大中祥符時代為核心,一到四章為上篇:「太平的形塑」,從四個角度分析大中祥符的形成脈絡。試圖呈現祥符時代一連串的神道禮儀,有著更深遠的發展脈絡與歷史意義。五到七章為下篇:「太平的解構」,從三個層面探討仁宗朝士大夫如何在批判祥符之政的基礎上,重新詮釋經典,引領仁宗展開政治新局,從而對「宋學」的誕生提供一個解釋。 第一章探究祥符元年封禪禮的意義。指出早在太祖開寶年間(968-976)已有朝臣呼籲君主封禪,太宗君臣更加上下齊心地鼓吹封禪,這背後蘊藏著趙宋君臣對統治的不自信與對太平治世的強烈渴求。真宗祥符元年的封禪,一方面是太祖以來渴望以封禪宣告太平的心理在推動,另一方面澶淵之盟天有二日的現實,又使景德年間(1005-1007)君臣得不斷製造「太平」的輿論來合理化封禪的舉行。而真宗宣告太平後,統治將從「有為」進入「無為」,但「無為」之治如何具體操作、又如何進一步強化不夠完滿的太平之政?為不同的政治群體提供了發揮的空間。 第二章探討策動祥符時代仿效唐明皇的群體--徐鉉及其後學。徐鉉作為唐明皇崇拜者的表面之下,是其道為體、儒為用的政治理念,此為其後學王欽若、杜鎬、陳彭年所利用,進而形塑了祥符時代的神道禮儀。此團體重視君主祭禮中對「道」的崇拜,而崇道的實際表現則在於興建道教宮觀。唐明皇與宋真宗也成為中國歷史上惟二建立從中央到地方崇奉「聖祖」宮觀的兩位皇帝。 第三章探討祥符年間聖祖「感生」並賜與真宗天書的思想資源--讖緯學的發展。對儒臣而言,讖緯學是他們欲幫助帝王肯定天命時,最容易挪用的思想資源。原因在於自東漢以來,讖緯學與經學連為一體,而經典注疏也大量引用讖緯學,合理化儒臣對讖緯的利用。讖緯學中大談天命、感生、河圖洛書、災異、祥瑞,也能滿足宋初君主探知「天意」的需求,見諸史實,太宗對讖緯學已很感興趣。祥符年間進一步利用讖緯學,可看作是宋初以來讖緯學逐漸蓬勃的結果。 第四章分析祥符禮儀所蘊含的知識邏輯,如何將經典、讖緯、道教的相關概念融鑄一體。東封祭天、西祀祭地、聖祖降神,是援引《孝經》中「天地明察」的概念;崇奉聖祖、老子、玉帝,則是在「崇道」的概念下進行。「道」先天地而生的「無為」性質,被視為宇宙的最原始狀態,滿足真宗在宣示太平後,既要無為而治,又要制禮作樂的需求。為了保證神道禮儀的順利進行,徐鉉後學將「孝」與「道」的核心概念,納入「天書」的文本,以避開不同派別士大夫的反對,從而順利主導祥符時代的禮儀發展,但以後果而言,這恐怕反而是削弱了祥符禮儀的正當性。 第五章探討政治風氣的變化:從真宗朝朝野上下的歌頌之聲,轉變為仁宗朝批判時政之聲浪。祥符、天禧年間,真宗一方面舉行盛大的奉神禮儀,另一方面以聖人自居,讓朝臣與普通士人撰作歌功頌德的詩賦文論。仁宗朝部分士大夫開始打破此風氣,他們在朝堂上,力求拓寬言路,以奏疏的方式上諫;在地方上,則呼籲應該撰寫闡揚聖人之道的古文。背後的動力即是欲闡揚經典中的聖人之道,以改革當前弊政,隱含著否定「太平」存在的意味。 第六章分析祥符禮儀的遺產,如何引發仁宗朝的禮樂改革。祥符禮儀對仁宗而言是「祖宗」之法的一部分;但卻有部分士大夫不認同祥符祭禮,他們試圖進行禮樂改革,以排除不符合儒教經典的禮儀。他們用來抗衡「祖宗」的思想資源即是「經典」。在回歸經典本義的理念下,仁宗朝禮樂改革至少包含兩個層次。第一是清除祥符以來將「道」置於「天」之上的祭禮概念;第二是掃蕩宋初以來,特別是在祥符年間融入國家祭禮的讖緯學。後者牽涉到經典內部的辯駁:鄭玄的經典註解失去權威,士大夫重新詮釋儒教經典,企圖打造他們認可的儒教國家。儘管因仁宗偏好傳統注疏及維護祖宗祭禮,士大夫們改革儒教祭禮的構想並未完全成功。 第七章探討仁宗朝士大夫如何突破祥符以來因宣稱太平而奉行的無為而治。以范仲淹集團與楊億、孫奭後學為主的士大夫,雖無法直接否定仁宗繼承了真宗的「太平」之政,但他們否定真宗以來將災異視為天之「常數」的應對方式,而援引經典中的「修德」概念,暗示災異的發生乃是「天」對君主的警告,仁宗唯有改變無為之政,推行政治改革,才能成功修德,從而爭取天的肯定。以此,本章從真、仁之際統治理念的轉變,解釋慶曆改革發生的一個原因。 總括而言,從解構祥符之政的角度出發,下篇對古文運動、經學變古、慶曆改革的發生,即所謂「宋學」最初的誕生,提供一種解釋。


經典詮釋 太平 大中祥符 天書 宋學


This dissertation investigates political legitimacy and stability of the state from 960 to1063. It especially focuses on Emperor Song Zhenzong’s (r. 997-1022) era of “The Auspicious Talisman of Great Centrality”大中祥符(Da-Jung Shiang-fu, 1008-1017), a reign title and also a political slogan Emperor and his courtiers claimed the Song state had already achieved the Great Peace. Once claiming the state achieving the Great Peace , intellectuals after this erahad to formulate they lived in a perfect time.. The first four chapters discuss how the emperors and intellectuals until Zhenzong reign took advantage of the language, rhetoric, ideologies and ceremonies in the classics(經典) of ancient China to manifest their regime’s legitimacy and stability. However, the ideology of “non-action” in the Great Peace also impeded any active political actions. The last three chapters discuss how intellectuals at Emperor Renzong (1022-1063) reign deconstructed the Great Peace in many perspectives, in order to push Renzong to reform the government. Chapter One illustrates the fengshan封禪 ceremony, an Emperors’ sacrifice to Heaven and Earth, could not be separated from the idea of Great Peace太平 in the classics. It further discusses how Emperor Taizong (976-997)and Zhenzong explained why their dynasty largely deviated from the Great Peace and how they pursued this great achievement. Chapter Two analyzes why courtiers in the Auspicious Talisman era chose to imitate Tang Xungzong’s唐玄宗 precedent to conduct the Daoist ceremonies. It discusses the interpersonal relationships and the Daoist political thought of Xu Xung (916-991)徐鉉, an intellectual who adored Tang Xungzong, and how his pupils used his thought to guide their regime to the Auspicious Talisman of Great Centrality era. Chapter Three explains how the rising concepts of divination(讖緯) from Taizong to Zhenzong affected the descending of “heavenly texts”天書, a sign of divine approval of the sacrifices, and the birth of “divine ancestors”聖祖 ,Emperors’ forefathers who was born by heaven in the Auspicious Talisman era. Chapter Four analyzes how Zhenzong and his courtiers selected, interpreted and integrated intellectual resources in the classics to legitimate those Confucianism and Daoist ceremonies, for the purposes of bringing more fortune to the Song Dynasty. These four chapters compose “the formation of the Great Peace.” Chapter Five elucidates how intellectuals during the early period of Renzong challenged the imagination of Great Peace. In the court, they protested the great costs of the Daoist ceremonies; in political discourse, they insisted that literati should write ancient-style prose to elaborate Confucians Dao道 in the classics. The latter is so called the “Ancient-style learning movement”古文運動. Chapter Six, analyzes intellectuals in Renzong era reformed rites in order to remove the Daoism and “not classic”不經elements in the ceremonies in the Auspicious Talisman era. In Chapter Seven discusses how emperors and intellectuals interpreted the interaction between heaven and men after disasters and astronomical abnormities. Intellectuals in Renzong time claimed disasters and astronomical abnormities are heaven’s admonitions, for they attempted to push Renzong to reform the government instead of only worshiping. These latter three chapters comprise “the deconstruction of the Great Peace.”


