  • 學位論文


The Use of Disorder: The Daily-life Space and Culture of Duoluo Street in Changsha

指導教授 : 賴仕堯


中國自改革開放以來,為尋求經濟增長,在政府主導的快速城市化下,許多自發形成的生活型街道被無情剷除,坐落在長沙牌樓口的「墮落街」便是其中之一。這種夷平式的拆除抹煞了空間文化和使用者的情感與記憶,對城市地景造成不可逆的傷害。本文以長沙墮落街為研究對象,探討這種自下而上的生活街道所具有的獨特生活文化,以及這種空間之於城市的價值與意義。 作者通過收集官方、媒體、網絡資料,並對空間使用者、專業規劃者進行深度訪談,輔以筆者自身參與經驗,並結合田野調查、問卷調研,獲得以下發現:第一,墮落街是在中國社會經濟發展初期,從貧窮到富裕過渡時期自發形成的,它的興起與發展提供了現代主義規劃體制下一種街道的可能性。第二,墮落街的空間形態展現了自發空間的生動之處,多樣的商業功能滿足了低消費群體的生活需求,並能順應社會發展快速自我更新。同時,空間內豐富的活動展現了市民對於街道的情感與認同,墮落街的日常生活展現了一種叛逆氣息和世俗情懷的青年社群次文化,街道成為市民逃離社會束縛的狂歡之所。第三,因墮落街處於嶽麓山國家風景名勝區,政府認為其秩序和環境的混亂影響了景區規劃和城市門戶形象,以天馬山景區環境整治名義將其拆除。拆除過程中,市民與政府的交戰展現了市民自下而上的抵抗精神。拆除後周邊環境的改變反映了政府規劃藍圖中充滿秩序、環境優美的城市空間與市民鍾愛的自由市井生活之間的差異。第四,墮落街的拆除後的環境整治行動,反映了中國特殊的治理模式下,處於都市競爭與房地產開發的市場經濟導向環境中的長沙政府,利用水岸再開發、環境綠美化的自然治理作為城市和經濟發展的正當手段。


Since the policy of Reform and Opening in 1980s, Chinese Government processed in rapid urbanization with many unplanned living streets eradicated for economic growth. Duoluo Street in Changsha is one of them. This demolition-led development erased local space culture and daily memories, causing irreversible damage to the urban landscape. Based on the case of Duoluo Street, this thesis discusses the living culture and value of unplanned living streets for urban space. Through official, media and network data, along with deep interviews, field survey, questionnaire, and my own experience, four conclusions are drawn as follows. Firstly, this self-raised Duoluo Street provided a potential solution to the transforming Chinese society within the modernism planning system. Secondly, this vivid and free street was filled up with diverse business activities, ranging from eating to shoping. Thus, diffierent needs of consumers and self-recovery of this street could be fulfilled according to the social development. Meanwhile, the involved local identification and rebellious youth subculture made Duoluo Street a Carnival shield from traditional bounds. Thirdly, this disorder and somehow dirty street was demolished by government for city image and Yuelu Mountain District planning program. During the dismantling process, the bottom up resistance thrived against the government power. And the huge change afterwards reflected the disparity between government massive planning projectand daily civilian life. Finally, the rebuilding environment after the demolition reflects that the Government of Changsha uses improving the environment of waterfront as a method of urban development and economic growth, under the market-oriented background and the special mode of governance in China.


王志弘、朱政騏(2007)〈風險地理、恐懼地景與病理化他者:台灣SARS 治理之空間/權力分析〉,《中國地理學會會刊》38: 23-43。
