  • 學位論文


Effects of Language Policy on Language Proficiency and National Identity: The Case of Postwar Taiwan

指導教授 : 駱明慶


本文使用「台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫」(Taiwan Social Change Survey)及「台灣社會意向調查」(Social Image Survey)試圖分析戰後台灣政府實施語言政策對於語言能力以及國家認同的影響。台灣在戰後便開始推行國語運動,而中華民國政府於1971年退出聯合國後,為了加強管理台灣強化了語言政策,並更加嚴格限制台語的使用。本文透過最小平方法(OLS)以及斷點迴歸設計(Regression discontinuity design,簡稱RD)檢視於學校執行的語言禁令對於台語能力的影響,並以受影響者對台灣獨立的支持程度評估國語政策效果。研究結果發現在1973年學校嚴格限制使用方言時仍在就讀小學的民眾台語能力有明顯的下降,同時他們也變得較不支持台灣獨立。我們也以不同時期的調查觀察該效果的持續性,發現即使經過40年的時間,同化政策似乎仍對他們留有影響。此外我們也檢視他們的國家認同以及政黨傾向,結果顯示他們會更認同自己是中國人,但卻變得較不傾向國民黨。結果說明語言政策即便可能使他們更討厭當時的統治者,但對於同化的目的是成功的。


In this paper we examine the effects of reinforced language policy implemented by Kuo Min Tang(KMT) government after 1973. After the policy enhanced, students and teachers were prohibited to speak dialects, mostly Taiwanese, in school. We use Taiwan Social Change Survey and Social Image Survey to check whether this change had impacts on the language proficiency and national identity of affected cohorts. We assume cohorts born after September 1961 would be affected and estimate the effects through OLS and regression discontinuity design. The results show that the affected cohorts would have lower Taiwanese proficiency, and meanwhile would have lower support for independence. They also identify themselves more as Chinese relate to Taiwanese, but more dislike KMT. It seems that the language policy was valid since it weakened the Taiwanese proficiency and raised the Chinese identity.


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