  • 學位論文


Inheritance and innovation of the food industry(Take Danheson Salico as an example)

指導教授 : 陳家麟
共同指導教授 : 黃俊堯(Chun-Yao Huang)


傳統糕餅產業,是台灣人共同的記憶!以前只要專心賣好一個商品,東西做的好吃,消費者自然會源源不絕。跟著市場的進步,除了東西好吃,行銷跟創新更是現代人接受的首要條件。如何引起消費者注意,讓他們有嚐鮮的意願,就是一個必須的課題。 透過大黑松小倆口個案,看一個一甲子的傳統產業如何由傳統食品產業,轉型到觀光工廠,再轉型到觀光休閒。三代的傳承接班過程又遇到怎麼樣的問題。藉由行銷 4P 來看第一代跟第二代經營模式的差異,再由文創價值主張看第三代未來的走向。 一顆牛軋糖可以訴說什麼樣的故事,透過場景將消費者綑綁在一起。第二代積極的發展場域開發,第三代則將場景延伸,透過活動跟在的景點將商品串聯在一起。 第三代將要透過文創的方式,讓消費者置身進入另一個時空背景,透過遊戲互動,讓文化深植人心,搭配商品包裝,創造出消費者心中另一個大黑松小倆口。透過來到大黑松小倆口的觀光休閒館及各式活動,讓消費者連結幸福的感受,並讓消費者想到這個品牌就連結到幸福。


傳承 創新


Eating traditional Taiwanese baked goods is part of the great memories in Taiwan. Historically, companies have focused on perfecting a single product to differentiate oneself and insure financial health. However, this strategy is no longer feasible in the modern days. In addition to having exceptions products, innovation and marketing must also be present. Having one of a kind, unique experiences that appeal to the new generation of population is key to success. Confectionary giant Salico Foods has built an empire in Taiwan for more than half a decade. To adapt to the market, the company made a strategic move to crossed over from manufacturing to tourism. While the company vision has maintained the same, new generation of operators have different take on marketing and innovation. Previously, Salico focused on creating new products that resonated with consumers. Now, new operators are focusing on creating new experiences by combining food and design. Art and design have the power to make people time travel to different spaces. Along with interactive activities, Salico’s products have elevated from a physical item to an memorable experience. Through tourism and event planning, the company is making its products part of an experience that create lasting memories, which allow new associations that increase brand equity.


Inheritance innovation


1. i-Buzz 網路口碑研究中心(2016/07/04),糕餅產業網路口碑調查:美食當前,原來網友最愛這一味:
www.brain.com.tw/news/articlecontent?ID=43405#WHcNQWTc(最後點閱時間:2019 年 5 月 24 日)。
2. 食新聞(2019/03/06),獲 7 成民眾推薦!糕餅甜點觀光工廠如何甜進你心坎裡:www.foodnext.net/news/newstrack/paper/5616291665(最後點閱時間:2019年 5 月 24 日)。
3. 信傳媒(2018/02/22),臺灣未婚男女比例快接近五成 政府主動當紅娘有用嗎:
