  • 學位論文


The Right to Private Property and the Immaterial Significance of Property

指導教授 : 顏厥安


傳統的財產權理論並不在乎財產本身的獨特性以及財產與人之間的互動關係。財產權理論關注的核心是財產的使用價值,也就是對於生活的有益性,並且財產權是用以保障財產的使用價值。在我國實證法中也常以法律未規定為理由來反對所有的財產權損害的慰撫金請求。然而如此一來,很多對於我們日常生活中與財產的各種重要的互動關係都會被因此忽略掉。因此筆者於本文中將財產的有益於生活與生存的部分表述為財產的物質意涵,而其餘和生活與生存無關的那些具有重要性的財產的面向,則是財產的精神意涵。試圖建構一個包含財產的精神意涵的財產權理論。 筆者在本文中採取了Becker所提出的財產權論證的三層次證成,並且主要關注於財產權的一般性證成層次。而後將財產定義為「物以及物與人的關係」而財產權定義為「保護及規範財產的權利」。並且重新審視洛克及黑格爾的財產權理論來討論傳統的財產權理論是否能證成需要保障財產的精神意涵。最後筆者以人與物的相互建構關係為基礎,重新說明財產的精神意涵的重要性,因此財產的精神意涵需要透過財產權來加以保障。


The uniqueness of property and the interactive relationships with person and property, are not main issues in traditional property theories. Traditional property theories mainly focus on the use value of property, which is decided by the utility for daily lives. The goal of property right is to protect the use value of properties. Positive law in our country does not recognize the compensation of emotional distress in damage of property. However, we will neglect many important aspects in our daily lives, which are the interactive relationships between owner and property. Therefore, we will define the usefulness of property as the material significance of property, and the other part that without usefulness for daily lives is the immaterial significance of property. And this thesis is going to construct a new property theory containing the immaterial significance of property. This thesis will apply the three phases argument structure of property right, which is provided by Lawrence Becker. And this thesis will concentrate on the general argument of property right, or the first phase of the arguments of property right. Then we will define property as “ thing and the relationship between thing and person”, and property right will be defined as “the right protects and regulates properties”. And will revisit the property theory of Locke and Hegel, to discuss whether traditional property theories can support an argument of protecting the immaterial significance of property. Finally, this thesis will construct a new property theory based on the inter-construction of person and thing, to pay an emphasis on the immaterial significance of property. Then give a argument of why property right must protect the immaterial significance of property.


陳愛娥1998〈司法院大法官會議解釋中財產權概念的演變〉,見劉孔中、李建良(主編),《憲法解釋之理論與實務》,頁393-420。臺北市 : 中央硏究院中山人文社會科學硏究所。
許文薰2009〈面對後極權情境 : 漢娜鄂蘭的新政治哲學〉,國立政治大學法律研究所碩士論文。
黃應貴2004〈導論:物與物質文化〉,見黃應貴(編),《物與物質文化》,頁1-26。臺北市: 中央研究院民族學研究所。
