  • 學位論文


Analysis on Intention to Online Fresh Produce Shopping

指導教授 : 雷立芬


本研究以計畫行為理論 (Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB) 模型作為理論基礎,在既有構面之外,另加入「產品特性」與「平台服務」兩個變量,並以羅吉斯迴歸進行分析,以探討消費者使用生鮮電商購買農產品的意圖。本研究以線上發放問卷總計蒐集有效樣本364份。實證結果顯示,除了知覺行為控制有負向顯著外、個人態度以及教育程度皆對消費者網購生鮮的意願具正面顯著效果。在變異數分析年齡層差異,中壯年 (35-44歲) 較年輕族群 (18-24歲) 具更高生鮮電商的使用意圖。此外,台灣消費者在網路上購買生鮮產品時,農民的利益會被納入考量。生鮮電商時至今日雖然已經蓬勃發展,但消費者等候收到商品的不確定性,即電商在物流的最後一哩路仍然是業者待解決的一大難題。本研究建議未來生鮮電商業者,可以以分享農民故事的照片、短片形式增加消費者購物體驗。


The objective of this study is to analyze the intention to purchase fresh produce online. The research is mainly based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In addition to the original structure, two extra constructs, namely, product characteristic and platform service are included. Logit model is used to analyze, and this study provides suggestions on the adjustment of operating strategies for fresh produce e-commerce. The empirical results show that in addition to perceived behavior control which provides negative effect, also, attitude, namely the internal characteristics of consumers as well as education level provide positive and significant effects on consumers' intention to purchase fresh produce online. ANOVA test on age categories found that the people within 35 - 44 years old have higher purchase intention compare to the younger category, within 18 – 24 years old. Besides, in the part of discussing the internal characteristics of consumers, it shows that when Taiwanese consumers buy fresh produce online, the benefits of farmers are taken into consideration. Although fresh produce e-commerce has flourished today, the uncertainty of consumers in goods receiving, which the last mile delivery problem of e-commerce is still a big issue to be solved. Thus, this study suggested fresh e-commerce can telling story of farmers through short clip or photos to increase the shopping experiences.


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