  • 學位論文


A Study of Marketing Mix on Taiwan Cosmetics Manufacturing

指導教授 : 黃崇興


台灣化妝品製造能力源自日本。因戰後物資缺乏,政府將化妝品列為奢侈品、禁止進口。六零年代廢止「禁奢令」後,以日本、美國、歐洲為主的品牌陸續進入台灣。八零年代降低進口關稅、九零年代取消貨物稅,化妝品通路逐漸多元,1992年進口值超越出口值。2000年網路泡沫後,電子商務興起,自創品牌蓬勃發展;近年韓國化妝品進口貿易值攀升,台灣化妝品製造廠受進口品牌、通路流量轉變、客戶更迭,內銷競爭加劇;外銷市場從2009年起以香港為首、中國次之,出口值大幅成長,海外市場可期。 本研究以兩家成立超過五十年、經歷市場變化仍屹立於產業的本土化妝品工廠為個案,從產業背景談起,透過Marketing Mix分析,針對行業特性提出Permission、Patent和Passion三P,與二十世紀各學者先後提出之18Ps,組合為化妝品產業21Ps,再將之歸納,以探討台灣傳統化妝品製造廠發展契機。 台灣化妝品工廠百分之八十是中小企業、以家庭成員為主要幹部,多年來依循舊有模式製造產品。業者若能以多年基石,放眼國際需求,致力優勢產品研發與創新,定能與其他國家競爭。本研究對化妝品製造廠提出建議,希冀跳出用人窠臼、擴大選才範圍,以區域合作取代削價競爭,主動拓展海外更大市場。


The cosmetics manufacturing know-how of Taiwan was originated from Japan. Due to the scarcity of supplies after the World War II, cosmetics were categorized as luxury products by the government and import was prohibited. After the ban on luxury products was lifted in the 1960s, the cosmetics started to be imported from Japan, United States and Europe. Furthermore, the cosmetic products diversification have increased in the 1990s attributed to the reduction of import duty in the 1980s and revocation of commodity tax in the 1990s. Total cosmetic imports even surpassed total exports in 1992. The domestic cosmetics manufactures have encountered vigorous competition mainly resulted from the increment of imports, and the shift of customer preferences. On the hand, there is substantial growth of cosmetic exports since 2009, mainly to Hong Kong and China. There are two cases analyzed in this study. They are local cosmetics manufactures who have survived in the rapid changing market for over 50 years. The analysis starts with background introduction then follow up by applying Marketing Mix. According to the industry characteristics, the 21Ps for cosmetics industry is formed in this study by combining 3Ps and 18Ps introduced by the scholars in the 20th century. This analysis was concluded by exploring the future business opportunities for the local cosmetics manufacturers. Eighty percent of cosmetics manufacturers in Taiwan are family business which have been operated with the same patterns over the past years. However, with the solid foundation, these manufacturers definitely would be competitive in the international market if they are willing to further expand and be innovative on new products development. The recommendation this study would like to offer to the cosmetics manufacturers are: (1) recruit talents with creative thinking and global view; (2) replace price competition to cross-border cooperation; (3) expand the market from domestic to international.


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65. 財團法人全國認證基金會
37. 台灣化粧品工業同業公會,會員名錄
57. Toolshero,Service Marketing Mix -7P’s
