  • 學位論文

我就是品牌! 獨立記者的個人品牌塑造

I am the Brand! Personal Branding of Independent Journalists

指導教授 : 洪貞玲


李惠仁、汪文豪、鐘聖雄和孫窮理等人相繼以獨立記者之姿,奪下各式新聞獎項,不僅引起各界熱烈討論,同時也喚醒媒體企業與媒體生態中那份失落已久的「獨立報導精神」。可見,臺灣媒體確實有不足之處,也喪失某些價值、主張,而這群獨立記者正試著發揮自己的影響力去重塑它,此時影響力就是個人品牌的展現。獨立記者正在形塑他們的媒體地位,建立一種明確且能夠對他人造成強烈感受的關係,並在專業領域發揮影響力;因此筆者認為透過研究獨立記者的個人品牌建構歷程,將有助於臺灣新聞媒體改革,甚至鼓勵後輩投入獨立報導行列。 由於國內缺乏獨立記者相關研究,本文重新定義何謂「獨立記者」,由於獨立媒體新聞守門程度低、沒有分線制度,較能專注追蹤議題,記者也擁有高度的自主與獨立性,因此本研究同樣將獨立媒體記者視為獨立記者。透過文獻資料,本文將個人品牌理論的建構歷程分為兩個研究部分:(一)個人品牌的識別標誌;(二)個人品牌的定位與行銷策略,並以此鋪陳六位受訪者的品牌建構歷程。 經由研究發現,六位獨立記者的外在表現反應出最真實的價值觀和主張,這是品牌成功的要訣,也和商業媒體因應自我媒體品牌形象,策劃節目、報導,並打點記者或主持人的外在形象,兩者是完全不同的品牌建構歷程。再者,獨立記者補足主流媒體所缺乏的報導領域,恰好擁有另一批閱聽眾的支持,而他們採取開放的合作態度,無論和主流媒體、抑或獨立媒體的合作關係皆有所斬獲,反而比單一媒體傳播更來得有效。這些差異性更是獨立記者壯大個人品牌的機會。 最後,本文再比較媒體經驗、獨立形式和不同世代,三者對獨立記者建構個人品牌歷程的影響,希望呈現更細微的品牌建構差異,也為實務工作提出獨立記者建構個人品牌的藍圖。


This research theoretically combines concepts of personal branding and the career of independent journalists. Recently, more and more journalists are leaving for their own business to be an independent journalist. Personal branding can not only help these journalists plan their careers but successfully find their specific marketing channels to amplify their influence and make their own business profitable. This research aims to construct an operative path to be an independent journalist based on the concept of personal brand. To build a valid empirical examination, comprehensive indexes of personal branding strategy were carefully selected and adapted the semi-structured interview to analyze in-depth interview data of six prestigious and awarded independent journalists in Taiwan.   The results from the interviews indicate that comparing to the branding path of commercialized media, these interviewee hold totally opposite way. Inward, they treat public interests as the core of news reports and won’t surrender to any intimidation and bribery. Outward, these independent journalists pay much more attention to disadvantaged issues and keep long tracks of correlated events which enables them to output in-depth and investigative reports and furthermore cultivate particular audiences. In summary, focusing on specific and non-mainstream issues, cooperating with prestigious social groups and broadcasting themselves through various internet channels are their key methods to construct their own brands successfully.


周馥儀(2010)。〈網路獨立媒體 游擊青春記〉。《新使者》,121:22-25。
