  • 學位論文


Dissolution and Inheritance:A Study On Ou Tan-Sheng and His Works

指導教授 : 黃美娥


本文以戰後初期渡海來台的作家歐坦生及為研究對象,探討其人從福州到台灣的創作樣態。出生於福州的歐坦生,中學時期開始文學創作,在嘗試不同文體後最終走向最為擅長的小說創作。福州時期,他受到戰爭氛圍與國統區的影響,逐步確立現實主義的創作理念,以小說作品關照社會,擅長刻畫小人物與諷刺的風格,具有社會批判與人文關懷色彩,並將這種風格延續至來台後的創作。1947年歐坦生赴台後立即創作了反映戰後初期台灣社會現實的小說作品,被楊逵稱之為台灣新文學的好樣本。歐坦生的小說創作也與戰後初期台灣文壇中有關如何建設台灣新文學的討論相呼應,具體實踐了如何以現實主義創作反映台灣的「一般性」與「特殊性」。進入1950年代,台灣文壇受到國家機器的高度控制,創作自由受到限制,歐坦生改以丁樹南為筆名發表作品,意欲堅持其現實主義小說創作,但只能收起作品中的社會批判與諷刺意味,改而專注於描繪日常生活中小人物的悲歡離合。1960年代開始,歐坦生逐漸收起小說創作的道路,轉向寫作理論翻譯與文藝評論的活動,翻譯一系列針對寫作初學者的寫作理論與技巧,並最早在台灣文壇提倡「小小說」這一文體。 大抵,本文透過梳理歐坦生生命經歷與文學活動,建構其人從福州到台灣完整的創作樣貌。一方面,在縱向緯度上,考察歐坦生一生的文學活動軌跡,以期探討在時代與空間的變動中作家如何堅持並實踐自己的文學理念;在橫向緯度,則將其放置於各個時空的文學場域中,考察其如何主動或被迫地不斷調整以適應文學場域的變化。另一方面本文則是透過歐坦生其人其作,折射出戰後台灣文學史曲折多變的光影。


歐坦生 丁樹南 現實主義 寫作理論 翻譯


This thesis focuses on Ou Tan-Sheng, who went across the sea to Taiwan from Fuzhou in the early stage of post-war, and his works. Ou Tan-Sheng (1923-2009) was born in Fuzhou. When he was 14 years old, Ou started writing. After trying different types of literature, Ou Tan-Sheng decided to establish novel as his main form of creative writing. In Fuzhou Period, the novelist was influenced by the social environment of KMT Ruling Area and began to establish the concept of the Realism in his works. As a result, the vivid depiction of average persons and the unique style of sarcasm were throughout this period, and all these characteristics were also the main branch of novel creation in the first few years after he settled in Taiwan. In 1947, Ou instantly finished several novels reflecting the social reality of Taiwan, and these works was called “the good samples of Taiwan Literature” by Yang Kui. In addition, through these novels creation, Ou responded the discussion about how to build the Taiwanese new literature in the literary circles of Taiwan, and did the concrete practices about how to reflect the universality and the particularity of Taiwan. In 1950's, as the government increased the mind control of cultural community, Ou Tan-Sheng’s creation was restricted. As a kind of coping method, he used Ding Shu-Nan as his pseudonym, but he also tried to concentrate more on the depiction of joys and sorrows of ordinary people than social critique and sarcasm style. Then, Ou stopped writing novels and turned to translate the writing skills in 1960's, and he is the first one who translated and introduced the short short story theory into Taiwan literary field.   Therefore, through collecting and analyzing his experiences and works, this thesis aims to locate Ou Tan-Sheng and his works in Taiwan literary history, and bring this less-studied figure into the field of literary studies. On one hand, this thesis investigates the track of his whole life and literary activities, to find out the inheritance and changes of his works. On the other hand, this thesis also puts Ou Tan-Sheng and his works into different kinds of the cultural fields, to understand his adjustment and persistence for the change of literary field.


Ou Tan-Sheng Ding Shu-Nan Realism Translation Writing Theory


