  • 學位論文

徳川時代的經世濟民思想 ―以熊澤蕃山為中心―

Statecraft Thought in Tokugawa Period ―from the Viewpoint of Kumazawa Banzan―

指導教授 : 徐興慶


本論文旨在探討日本德川初期的陽明學者熊澤蕃山(1619-1691)之經世思想是如何產生,論述其經世學的特色與內涵,並分析其思想主張在當時代所扮演的角色。論文共分(一) 中日經世思想的成立背景;(二) 熊澤蕃山的學問及思想;(三) 蕃山的經世時務策;(四) 蕃山與朱舜水的經世實學思想等四章架構。研究內容的重點及結論,摘要如下: 從儒教的經典「十三經」中找到了經世思想的根源,及分析出經世思想的基本構造是由「入世精神―內聖的經世―外王的經世」三個層面所組成。並探討中國的經世思想在明末清初的動亂時代不斷高漲的同時,為何進入太平盛世的德川初期也逐漸形成日本的經世思想?探究中日經世思想的相互影響之關聯性。 在先行研究的諸多論述中,往往將熊澤蕃山提出的「經世論策」考察,以經濟與政治議題區隔開來作個別論述,本研究則針對熊澤蕃山的「儒教節用觀」,對蕃山的經濟、政治體制、統治論等思想主張作通盤及系統性的檢討。 最後,藉由與十七世紀中葉東渡日本的儒者朱舜水(1600-1682)之思想主張,比較熊澤蕃山的實學觀。本研究透過二者對「忠」思想、排佛論、學問觀、對學派論爭批判等四點思想主張作比較研究,檢討二者的思想異同及「時處位觀」與「實學觀」對德川社會的影響。


經世思想 實學 熊澤蕃山 朱舜水 農兵論


This thesis aims to examine the statecraft thought of Yangming scholar--Kumazawa Banzan(1619-1691), the progenitor of study of statecraft in Japan, and analyze what role it plays at that time and its distinctive characteristics. The thesis consists of four chapters: 1. The background of the statecraft thought in Japan and China 2. The scholarship and thoughts of Kumazawa Banzan 3. Kumazawa Banzan’s statecraft .practicability strategy 4. Statecrft and study style of practicability thoughts of Kumazawa Banzan and Chu Shun- Shui. The outline and conclusion go as follows. First, the study shows that the origin and structure of statecraft thought are found from thirteen classics of Confucianism. In addition, this paper is to find out why statecraft thoughts develop in two significant different backgrounds and explore the relation between them. Chinese statecraft thought is developed at the turn of the Chinese Ming and Qing turmoil period; meanwhile, the development of Japanese statecraft thought is also formed gradually in the stable early part the Tokugawa period. A probably important factor in explaining this difference is that the changes in society and thoughts in these two different backgrounds are very similar. With respect to Banzan’s research on statecraft strategy, in the pass study, economy and politics are usually discussed separately. Nevertheless, this thesis explores it integrally by “Confucian economical concept” through his theory of economy, political system, and governance. Finally, I carefully compare Chu Shun-Shui(1600-1682), Chinese Confucian scholar, with Banzan to understand his study style of practicability. Moreover, I focus my attention on the thought of “faith”, anti-Buddha, learning concept, and school controversy viewpoints of these two scholars to review Banzan’s thought. In the final analysis, it demonstrates that “time, location, and status (時処位観)” and study style of practicability have strong influence on Banzan’s statecraft thought.


張崑將『德川日本儒學思想的特質:神道、徂徠學與陽明學』台北 : 臺灣大學出版中心,2007.
