  • 學位論文


Environmental External Costs Analysis of Taiwan Power Plants

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


自1990年歐盟開始進行能源外部性研究計畫,一直到現今,各國對於國內的發電廠對於環境所造成的衝擊評估中,「外部成本」在其中是個重要的考慮項目。各國在進行外部成本研究時,多採取衝擊路徑法評估發電廠產生之污染物對環境衝擊所造成的外部成本,評估的發電廠類型包括燃煤火力發電廠、燃氣火力發電廠、燃油火力發電廠、風力發電廠、水力發電廠、太陽能發電廠及核能發電廠等,關注的污染物皆為空氣污染物 (傳統空氣污染物、重金屬、有機空氣污染物及溫室氣體等),探討的環境衝擊類別包括人體健康衝擊、生物多樣性損失、莊稼損失、物質損害及氣候變遷等。 本研究旨在建立適合臺灣地區使用的「發電廠環境外部成本分析模式」,計算臺灣各類型發電廠之環境外部成本,能在進行各類型發電廠發電分配時提供參考。模式中發電廠類型包含臺灣火力發電廠、風力發電廠、太陽能發電廠及核能發電廠,污染物包含傳統空氣污染物、重金屬、有機空氣污染物、輻射物及溫室氣體等,衝擊類別包含人體健康衝擊、生物多樣性損失、莊稼損失、物質損害及氣候變遷。 本研究將臺灣新能源政策與國際經濟合作組織/國際能源署新政策情境兩個能源政策當作模式的情境,利用本研究所建立之「發電廠環境外部成本分析模式」進行計算,計算結果可知在減碳情境下,在風力、太陽能及核能發電廠發電比例提高的確是可以降低溫室氣體所造成的氣候變遷,其中核能對於減碳的效果更甚於風力發電廠,但以總外部成本的角度來看,提高了核能發電廠發電比例反而會使得人體健康衝擊變嚴重。 由於本研究僅著重在各類型發電廠環境外部成本的分析上,在應用上更應結合各類型發電廠之技術可行性、發電成本及臺灣地域環境限制等環境外部成本之外之因素,以便考量完整的發電廠發電結構配比。


Since 1990s, European Union began the research project called "Externalities of Energy"(ExternE), for many countries' researches on environmetal impacts of their own power plants, "External cost" has been an important consideration. Researches of external costs usually uses the Impact Pathway Approach (IPA) to analysis the impacts from power plants. This study aims to establish an "Environmental External Costs Analysis of Power Plants Model" for Taiwan to calculate the environmental external costs of Taiwan's own power plants, and provide references when conducting the distribution of each power plants generations. In this study, we used "Environmental External Costs Analysis of Power Plants Model" to analyze the two energy policies, "Taiwan New Energy Policy" and "Organization for economic cooperation and development/ International energy agency New Policies Scenario". The results showed that for carbon reduction, nuclear power plants did better job than solar power plants. But for external costs analysis, nuclear power plants had higher external costs than solar power plants. This study only focused on the analysis of environmental external costs of power plants. In addition to conduct the distribution of each power plants generations, one should have to combine the technical feasibilities, generation costs and restrictions of Taiwan region.


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