  • 學位論文


The roles of lateral line on fighting behavior in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

指導教授 : 周銘翊




Male zebrafish (Danio rerio) often establish social hierarchy via conspecific fighting due to limited resources. To collect sufficient information during fighting, many sensory systems are employed including the lateral line (LS), a flow sensor, which enables fish to detect water movement. Even though the lateral line has been proved to modify a wide variety of behaviors, the mechanism by which lateral line participate in the modification of behavior is not completely explored. We found that zebrafish showed higher anxiety and aggression, while social preference and fitness were unaffected after the neomycin-induced lateral line ablation. Moreover, the lateral-line-ablated fish showed higher tendency to lose the fight against their sham-treated siblings. Nevertheless, swimming ability remain unchanged after neomycin treatment. To further investigate the neural activity in the brain, we used in situ hybridization with EGR-1 and c-fos riboprobes, common markers for neural activity, to visualize the change of neural activities in the targeted nucleus, the ventral habenula (vHb). The activation of the vHb was significantly higher in the lateral-line-ablated fish than in their siblings after fighting. Our result suggests that the lateral line ablation affects the evaluation and behavior but not physical fitness, and therefore determines the outcomes of social conflict. Moreover, we propose that lateral line may determine the outcomes of social conflicts through mediating the neural activity in the vHb.


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