  • 學位論文


New approaches of ensemble learning and transfer learning for image classificaion

指導教授 : 鄭士康




This thesis develops the machine learning approaches for image classification. Specifically, we consider two paradigms in machine learning, namely ensemble learning and transfer learning. In ensemble learning, we use a bag of SVMs for indoor scene recognition, which is simple and easily implemented. We show valuable local windows are critical to scene recognition. To our knowledge, this image cue was ignored by the computer vision community previously. In transfer learning, we propose a new research direction that finds the encoding mechanism which all the tasks share. The common of all the related works is that they all deal with "how the task relatedness can affect the model during training". Our contribution is to provide another direction that deal with "how the task relatedness can affect the features". The supervised hierarchical dictionary learning structure is proposed which works for multiclass classification with transfer learning. The whole architecture works by using encoding feature of training data as "messages" between different blocks. The models and the dictionaries are communicate by passing the messages. The forward and backward updating in our algorithm can be view as trying to find a balance between classification and encoding.


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