  • 學位論文


Using Kernel Density Estimation as An Alternative Approach of Time Series Count Data: A Case Study of Twitch.tv

指導教授 : 任立中
共同指導教授 : 蔡政安(Chen-An Tsai)




Time event occurrence data is one common type of original data type. For such type of data, data transformation is often performed before data analysis. Time series count data is one of the results. Timespan should be set up before generating time series count data. The concept of generating time series count data is similar to the concept of creating a histogram. However, kernel density plots generally work better than histograms. As a result, we would like to explore whether kernel density estimation is an alternative approach of Time Series Count Data. To compare these two approaches, this study regards the measurement of correlation of two events over time as the analytic situation. At first, we give an example to explain the meaning and the bias of the measurement of correlation based on time series count data. Then, we propose an alternative measurement of correlation of two events over time based on kernel density estimation, and compare the difference in measurements between two approaches. Furthermore, we validate the KDE approach by using simulation. Finally, we conduct a case study of Twitch.tv by applying the two approaches to measure the correlation of behaviors between streamer and audience, presenting the heterogeneity of streamer style, and exploring the correlation of audience reactions and subscription behavior.


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