  • 學位論文


The Application of RFID in the Construction : Lessons Learned in the Precast Production Management System

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


隨著科技的發展快速,迅速及無地點限制的取得資訊已經是日常生活中所必備的機能之一,也是面對於不斷變化的時代中需具備的生活方式。全球化的時代來臨,也使得資訊傳遞快慢顯得格外重要,如何節省時間及成本,又能確保品質提升,是目前各行各業中都想達成的目標,因此在各領域中都發展出許多新技術來改善效率。 無線射頻辨識系統(Radio Frequency Identification,簡稱RFID),即是其中一項關鍵解決方案,其具備了一次可讀取多個標籤、五到六公尺的通信距離、可存上萬筆資料的龐大資料庫系統等優越特性,可以相對應的解決在戶外工作資料保存不易且紀錄查詢不易的問題,並避免重工輸入,且可以使得回饋性即時性佳。 因目前營建產業投入RFID的廠商較少.故本研究以預鑄產業為主軸,針對營造廠的預鑄生產管理系統做個案探討及研究分析;由於預鑄產業是屬於管理密集性的產業,為使決策者可即時獲取管理資訊,同時追蹤預鑄構件材料、品管檢驗及儲運管理等資訊,基層人員方便輸入資料是系統發展重點。因此本研究目的係希望能提供使用者全方位行動化資訊的取得,藉由個案探討及研究分析,將目前使用上的問題逐一經由實地測試後,進行效益評估。 研究結果指出,導入初期的流程再造,成為影響導入執行的最重要關鍵,除了關係到系統與流程的結合外,更直接衝擊到現場執行的人員。最終期望本研究能作為預鑄產業建置行動化管理系統之參考,為產業帶來更大的利益。


In light of technological advancements at the exponential magnitude, prompt and venue-free acquisition of the information have been constituted as one of the essential functional elements of the daily life and as an indispensable mode of living in a constantly changing era. The formation of a globalization era has rendered the turnover rates with an exceptional importance. Today, goals of achieving savings on time and costs as while as ensuring improvements in quality have been profoundly entrenched in each industry. Many new technologies, therefore, have been developed in various fields of specialization for improving in efficiencies. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), which is one of pivotal solutions, is characterized with superior predispositions, including the recognition of multiple markers, communication ranges from five to six meters, and a storage database for thousands of data files. Correspondingly, these unique features resolve issues pertaining to data storage and record-reviewing difficulties, repetitive data entries, and facilitation of instant feedbacks. Seldom practitioners implemented RFID system into their own company in Construction industry, so this research was aimed to study and to analysis the Precast Production Management System in Precast industry. The Precast industry is a management-intensive sector, for which pivotal issues encompass methods relevant to the instant provision of acquired management information to policy-makers, materials of precast concrete products, quality control inspection and inventory and transportation management information, and convenient data entry for frontline personnel. Thus, it is anticipated that such applications enable the acquisition of the multi-faceted mobilized information for users to test the present questions for conducting the effectiveness comparison. To be concluded, process reengineering at the beginning of the implementation is the most important key point. In addition, it also has a great relationship with the staffs who work at the field. The frame elaborated in this research can be regarded as a reference for the construction of a mobilized precast industry management system to bring remarkable benefits for the industry.


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