  • 學位論文


Automation of Shop Drawing of Reinforcements for Slurry Wall and Structure Wall of a R.C. Building

指導教授 : 陳永祥


本研究主要發展一電腦應用程式,提供營造廠商參加投標所獲得之RC結構設計圖,將建築設計圖上與RC建築連續壁、地下室外牆及一般RC牆相關設計資料通過電腦程式把資料建置於電腦資料庫中,進而透過程式讀取電腦資料庫中的設計資料來計算其各類鋼筋的使用量、混凝土體積及模板面積等工程數量,並且透過AutoCAD來自動繪製其內、外側配筋圖與側面配筋剖面圖,並在圖面上列出鋼筋配置狀況及鋼筋使用量資料。 以往在過去營造廠商將投標所獲得之RC結構設計圖,均是以人工方式來計算料單數量,而通過本研究希望透過電腦能夠減輕這個繁複的工作,並且讓營造廠商能夠清楚知道欲施作鋼筋、混凝土等工程數量,以控制預算及了解成本。


This study is to develop a computer program, RC structure design drawing obtained offers and builds the manufacturer to participate in and submit a tender, put through computer procedure materials in database of the computer to build correlated with RC building slurry wall, basement outer wall and RC wall from design drawing, it could calculate the amount of all kinds of steels, volume of concrete and area of moldboard of design materials from database through computer program, it draw inboard and outboard sides their mix muscle picture and side mix muscle section system through AutoCAD, and list the reinforcing bar and dispose the state and materials of consumption of reinforcing bar on the surface of picture. RC structure design drawing obtained that in the past to calculate the quantity of the material form by way of manpower from build the manufacturer in the past and submit a tender, and hope through this study that can lighten this heavy and complicated job through the computer, build manufacturer can clearly know that the amount of steels, concrete project and in order to control the budget and understand cost.


access computer program reinforcement


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