  • 學位論文

阿秒脈衝激發和遠紅外雷射驅動中稀有氣體原子的光子發射譜中的半脈衝週期震盪: 自作用修正的隨時變密度泛函理論計算

Subcycle Dynamics of Photon Emission Spectra of Rare Gases Atoms Excited by Attosecond Pulses and Driven by Near-Infrared Laser Field: Self-Interaction-Free Time-Dependent Density-Functional-Theory Approach

指導教授 : 朱時宜




We present an ab initio method to study the sub-cycle dynamics of hydrogen, helium and neon atoms in near-infrared(NIR) laser fields subject to excitation by a single extreme ultraviolet attosecond pulse(SAP). We extended the self-interaction-free time-dependent density functional theory(TD-KLI-SIC) to describe multi-electron system and solve the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations by time-dependent generalized pseudospectral(TDGPS) method. We calculated the photon emission spectra and population of several excited states as the function of the time delay between the NIR pulse and SAP. The phenomena can be explain by two-photon absorption.


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