  • 學位論文


British Romanticism: Its Character and Limits

指導教授 : 王世宗


浪漫運動主要興盛於西歐地區,也就是日耳曼、英國與法國,三者的浪漫運動基本上為獨立發展,然而在發起的規模與運動的形式上,日耳曼與法國相較於英國,更像是一個「運動」,在影響的領域與層面上,日耳曼與法國亦超過英國,可見英國浪漫運動的發展相較於德法,有較為明顯的困境與侷限,由此吾人可以推論英國浪漫運動有其所以如此的特質,亦即英國的傳統文化使其得以發展出相當程度的浪漫運動,但也使其浪漫運動的發展有某種侷限。由於英國傳統文化較為嚴謹、理性,而又有某種天真自然的情懷,英國學者常有所謂「英國性」(Englishness)的說法,此對於其文化發展有相當的影響,故其浪漫運動表現特別強烈的理性與感性之間的掙扎。然而直接討論英國浪漫運動相對於德法之特質的研究不多,因此本論文擬從浪漫運動的各個層面,亦即文學、藝術、哲學、以至於政治主張,去探討英國浪漫運動的特質,與它在各種領域的發展困境。   英國浪漫運動的特質及其發展困境其實是一體兩面,由於英國傳統文化較為嚴謹、講理,故英國浪漫運動的發展會有一種侷限和困境,無法如德意志與法國般有比較廣泛深刻的發展,它的浪漫運動表現出較強的情感與理性之間的緊張性。本文擬透過對英國浪漫運動的特質及其發展困境的研究,探討理性與感性之間的關係。而在探討英國的困境之時,本文亦欲進一步討論此困境是否僅為英國本身的困境,抑或是整個浪漫運動的困境,也就是說浪漫運動為何只在文藝上有比較長久的價值,其何以無法成為一個學術運動,何以無法成為一個政治運動、甚至是經濟運動,而始終侷限於文藝的領域。對比於啟蒙運動的廣泛發展,浪漫運動的狹窄便十分耐人尋味,由此吾人亦可深思理性與感性在人類文明發展中的重要性。


Romanticism was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century, and in most areas it was at its peak in the approximately from 1800 to 1850. Romanticism can be seen as a rejection of the precepts of order, calmness, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality that typified Classicism in general and Neoclassicism in particular in late 18th-century. It was also to some extent a reaction against the Enlightenment and against 18th-century rationalism and physical materialism in general. Historians of French and German literature are accustomed to set off a period, or a division of their subject, and entitle it “Romanticism” or “the Romantic School.” Writers of English literary history, while recognizing the importance of England's share in this great movement in European letters, have not generally accorded it a place by itself in the arrangement of their subject-matter, but have treated it cursively, as a tendency present in the work of individual authors. Scholars have described “Englishness” as strict and honourable, and sometimes boyish. Therefore, British Romanticism continued to reflect the constant conflict and tension between reason and sensibility. This article will discuss the thesis through literature, arts, philosophy, and politics of the romantics, in order to understand the character and limits of British romanticism.


1. 賴以立譯,Sir Walter Scott原著,《撒克遜英雄傳》,台北:志文出版社,1985。
2. 蔡育潞,〈十九世紀前期英國宗教寬容政策與英國國教的重新定位〉,台北:台灣大學歷史研究所碩士論文,民100。
4. Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man (1734). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1881.
6. Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful (1759). sect. VII, X, XXVII, in Hazard Adams ed., Critical Theory Since Plato. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992.
7. Thomas Reid, ‘Of Taste’, in Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. London: printed for John Bell, 1785.
