  • 學位論文

多面性基督宗教在臺灣南島民族的體現: 新竹縣山區部落及都市社區的泰雅族基督徒之神學觀與信仰實踐的比較研究

Multi-faced Christianity in an Austronesian Tribe of Taiwan: A Comparative Study on the Theologies and Religious Practices of Tayal Christians in Mountain and Urban Communities of Hsinchu County

指導教授 : 王梅霞


本論文與前人研究類似,旨在探討基督宗教對泰雅族群的生活帶來哪些方面的影響。但此項工作並不集中於特定社區受基督信仰影響的團體,而是關注來自各種不同環境及教派的虔誠泰雅族基督徒的個人生命故事,試圖界定現今泰雅族人本身做為基督徒的意義。透過此種方式,本文目的在於描述自1950年代初族人開始大規模加入三個主要基督教派,「泰雅族傳統人觀」如何演變的一些重要特徵,也講到本地神學著作對構成可稱為「多面性泰雅族基督宗教」的貢獻。 研究工作以新竹縣三個地區:後山高山地的新光-鎮西堡部落、前山低山地的那羅部落及都會區的竹東鎮為主,從三個不同基督宗教教派(天主教、長老教會與真耶穌教會)的八個教堂(聚會所)分別進行其各有特點的比較研究。本論文的基礎來自於筆者在當地長達二十五年以上的參與式行動研究(筆者為比利時籍天主教耶穌會神父,自1993年起在該地從事牧靈服務工作),並從2019年10月至2021年8月為止,進行超過六十次的深度訪談,以瞭解現今的泰雅族基督徒如何詮釋他們的信仰與宗教實踐。 本論文的其中六章探討泰雅族的基督信仰與其在國際和本地神學、個人生命故事、經濟現況、政治參與、傳統殺豬儀式與狩獵倫理間的互動。 除了說明泰雅族人在皈依基督宗教後對傳統人觀演變的幾個主要特徵外,本文的結論也闡述泰雅族基督信仰及構成泰雅文化的兩大基礎之間的相互作用:gaga意指規範,並也代表服從規範而生的能力;utux bnkis表示泰雅族祖先靈魂永存的精神。


Similar to earlier research works, this thesis aims to find out in what aspects Christianity affected the life of the Tayal people「泰雅族群」. However, instead of researching on a specific community to grasp the ways Christian faith influenced the group, the present work focuses rather on individual stories of committed Tayal Christians from various environments and Christian denominations, to try to define what it means for a Tayal man or woman to be a Christian today. By means of such an approach, this thesis aims to delineate some important characteristics in the evolution of the traditional anthropology of the Tayal people「泰雅族傳統人觀」following their massive integration into three main Christian denominations starting from the early 1950s. Moreover, the thesis also highlights local theological works that contributed to the constitution of what can be called a “multi-faced Tayal Christianity”. The whole work consists in a comparative study between Tayal Christians from three different communities of Hsinchu County (high-mountain Xinguang-Zhenxibao 新光-鎮西堡部落, low-mountain Naluo那羅部落, and urban Zhudong竹東鎮), as well as eight congregations from three different Christian denominations (Catholic天主教會, Presbyterian長老教會and True Jesus Church真耶穌教會). The research field is grounded on a participant observation lasting over 25 years (the author is a Belgian Jesuit priest working in the area since 1993), as well as the analysis of about 60 “in depth” qualitative interviews, conducted from 2019 to 2020, on how committed Tayal Christians interpret their own beliefs and religious practices in their everyday lives. The six central chapters of the thesis discuss Tayal people’s Christianity and its interaction with international and local theologies, individual stories, today’s economy, politics, the traditional pig slaughter ritual and hunting ethics. Besides setting out some main characteristics in the evolution of the traditional anthropology of the Tayal people following their conversion to Christianity, the conclusion of the thesis also discusses Tayal Christianity and its interaction with the two main pillars of Tayal culture: gaga, which literally means norm, but also designates the ability that derived from obedience to the norm; and utux bnkis, which mainly refers to the still living spirits of the Tayal people’s ancestors.


Barclay, Paul
2018 Outcasts of Empire. Japan’s Rule on Taiwan’s “Savage Border” 1874-1945. Oakland: University of America Press.
Begasse de Dhaem, Amaury
