  • 學位論文


Development of Certifying Process for the Inertial Profiler and Guideline of Operator Training

指導教授 : 周家蓓


國內已開始利用慣性式平坦儀進行平坦度檢測,但對於儀器、軟體之校正方式及流程卻尚未徹底落實,且操作人員對於儀器操作原理、輸出指標及檢測過程所產生之量測誤差缺乏相關認知與專業知識;相較於美國等其他國家,國內之鋪面平坦度發展與人員素質稍顯落後,有鑑於此,本研究提出慣性式平坦儀認證程序及人員教育訓練制度。 本研究首先蒐集國內外慣性式平坦儀相關認證規範,並以AASHTO PP49之規範為參考依據,研擬慣性式平坦儀認證程序。利用臺灣大學土木系自有之慣性式平坦儀進行室內實驗室單一零件校正,並於一特定之試驗道路,進行距離感測器校正、參考剖面之建立及慣性式平坦儀重複性試驗。將所有蒐集的資料透過三種比對方式進行評估,以瞭解試驗進行之穩定性,以及操作人員搭配臺大慣性式平坦儀之重現性與準確性。而在研究期間內進行多次重複性試驗也發現,人為因素為室外認證過程中最常遭遇且最難避免之問題,故本研究針對不同車速下速度控制、瞬時加速度變化及車輛橫向偏移量進行試驗並分析。 此外,於人員教育訓練制度方面,本研究以平坦度檢測與認證相關規範為基礎,研擬人員教育訓練教材,範圍則涵蓋平坦度指標、各種剖面量測儀器、認證程序、影響慣性式平坦儀量測之環境、設備及人為操作誤差與訊號處理等,並以AASHTO PP 49為基礎,針對人員認證部份研擬相關流程,希望藉此強化操作人員之正確認知與專業知識,並有助於提升國內道路鋪面平坦度之檢測品質。


Recently, many academic authorities and government organizations have been utilizing inertial profilers to measure pavement smoothness. However, there is no proper and complete certification process and methods for inertial profilers. In addition, the operators do not have enough professional knowledge and skill to measure the pavement smoothness correctly. Therefore, the operational quality in Taiwan is lower than other countries such as America and Canada. For the sake of increasing the quality of measurements, the certifying process for the inertial profiler and guideline of operator training has been developed in this study. First, the certification standards in Taiwan and other countries were collected. Then the certification process for the inertial profiler was established following the AASHTO PP49 specification. The certification includes two main procedures which are the calibration procedure in the laboratory and the field test procedure. In this study, a laser-type inertial profiler was certificated in the specific road. Furthermore, the three methods in the AASHTO PP49 specification were utilized to evaluate the repeatability and accuracy of the inertial profiler. During the field test of the certification procedures, operational factors are unavoidable source of error. Therefore, the variation in speed and transient acceleration as well as the lateral positioning were discussed in order to understand the vehicular operating conditions during the procedure. In addition, the guideline of operator training was established that was based on standards of smoothness and inertial profiler certification. The handbook of operators training includes the smoothness index, devices for smoothness measurement, certification process, factors affecting inertial profiler measurements and signal process. By developing the handbook and guideline of operator training, the quality of smoothness measurements utilizing inertial profilers can be promoted in Taiwan.


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