  • 學位論文


From the Viewpoint of Landscape Ecology to Explore Landscape Perception

指導教授 : 張俊彥


本研究目的主要是藉由景觀生態的觀點,透過不同區位環境及生物多樣性兩種角度,來表示環境的生態性,在此概念下將環境分為不同的生態性類型,來探討其對人知覺感受的影響。本研究在第一部份區位環境研究中,以Forman(1995)的生態策略點與邊緣效應理論為基礎,依照理論論述的概念,選擇景觀結構模型中三個代表性位置,分別為森林內、森林邊緣及森林外,來作為三種不同生態性之環境類型代表,並以照片來呈現人在該位置活動所看到的環境景觀。在第二部份生物多樣性環境研究中,選擇台灣大學梅峰山地農場做為研究基地,以鳥類多樣性來代表不同程度的環境生態性,並依其高低分類為高生物多樣性、中生物多樣性及低生物多樣性等三種環境類型,而後依照各類型之環境特性,以現地拍照方式來做為受測者在這三種環境類型中活動時所見到之景觀。 本研究欲探討受測者感受方面是以Kaplan和Kaplan (1989)提出預測影響偏好之四項環境訊息因子:一致性、複雜性、神秘性與易讀性,以及受測者對自然與安全兩項知覺感受因子。兩部份實驗皆以相片評估法來測量評估受測者的知覺感受。透過實驗假設之驗證,結果發現,以不同區位來將環境作生態性的分類時,人們對於森林內的環境類型偏好大於在森林外及森林邊緣的環境類型。在環境訊息因子的知覺感受部份,除了易讀性與安全感受評分最低外,一致性、神秘性、複雜性及自然感受評分皆以在森林內所看見的環境景觀評分最高;而在以生物多樣性作為不同環境之生態性分類時,人們對於中生物多樣性的環境類型最為偏好,其次是高生物多樣性環境,低生物多樣性之環境類型則最不被偏好,在環境訊息因子部份,一致性、神祕性、易讀性與安全感受皆以中生物多樣性環境類型最高,複雜性與自然感受則是在高生物多樣性環境類型中評分最高。 從兩部份研究結果顯示,無論從區位環境或是生物多樣性的角度定義下,人對於環境類型的知覺與偏好感受會因環境的生態性不同而有所不同。而研究結果將可應用於自然環境地區對於物種、資源保護及環境開發,並提供人類遊憩空間規劃及活動使用安排之原則參考。


The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of different ecological environment on people’s preference, perceived naturalness and safety for natural landscape. Through the viewpoint of landscape ecology, we use two ways to define the concept of ecological environment: (1) regional environment and (2) biodiversity. In regional environment study, according to the concepts of strategic point and edge effect theory, we define ecological environment as three landscape types: landscape in the forest (F), landscape on the edge of forest (E) and landscape out of forest (O). The photo evaluation method were adopted in this study, 101 respondents’ responses were collected. The result showed that landscape in the forest was the most preferred one and had the highest rating of coherence, mystery and complexity. But they also felt unsafe the most in the forest. In biodiversity environment study, the biodiversity were used to define different ecological environments. Bird diversity was used as environmental indicators in this study and we collected 32 sites’ bird data of numbers and species. Three landscape types: high (H), medium (M) and low (L) was classified according to bird diversity. Onsite photo of the landscape that represented the three different landscape types of ecological environments were showed to the 313 participants to collect their response. The result showed that people prefer landscape of medium biodiversity the most. Comparing to high and low biodiversity landscape, people would have higher sense of coherence, mystery, legibility and safety. The most natural environment was not the most favorite one. From the verification of two studies, we could understand that people have different perception for different ecological environments. When the environment has the features of coherence and mystery, people would get higher preference. It could be used as reference in land development and environmental protection in the future.


Ecological preference naturalness safety


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