  • 學位論文


The Emotional Healing Efficacy of the Holy Bible for the Christian Students of National Taiwan University: An Exploratory Study

指導教授 : 陳書梅


聖經一直被視為 書目療法適用之情緒癒素材 ,且相關研究結 果顯示,有閱 讀聖經習慣的基督徒,生活更趨向快樂與滿足 。然而, 目前尚未有實證研究,由 書目療法的角度,探討 聖經為何能使基督徒 從閱讀中得到安慰,並撫平個人的負 面情緒 。爰此,本研究採用半結構式深度訪談法以 12 位國立 臺灣大學之 基督 徒學生為 研究 對象, 研究目的包括︰ (1) 了解基 了解基 督徒學生經常閱讀聖之動機, 以及閱讀聖經的情境與過程等驗; (2) 探討聖經 能對基督徒學生的情緒困 擾問題,發揮情緒療癒效用的內容 ;(3) 分析聖經對基督徒學生發揮情緒療癒效 分析聖經對基督徒學生發揮情緒療癒效 用之 影響 因素 。 研究結果發現, 基督徒學生 閱讀聖經的動機,最多是從中獲得安慰以 及將讀聖經 視為生活習慣 之一。而聖經中,人物傳記及其故事、詩歌訓 誨、 意象 及歷史書 等五種 內容,能對受訪者在生涯發展、 人際關係宗教層面自我認同 、負面情緒調適 、感情困擾與 親友離世等 七方面的情緒困擾問題,發揮 認同、淨化領悟之完整的情緒療癒效用。 至於 聖經對基督徒學生發揮情緒療癒效用之 影響 因素 方面,則 當聖經內容 可 連結至個人生活經驗、符合價值觀內容敘述清楚易於理解 時,即可令受 訪者產生認同作用。 另外, 聖經人物情 緒外放,或詩歌、訓誨之作者流露個感,或由聖經中受到神了解自己的困擾且與同在即可對個人產生情緒的淨化作用 。而若聖經內容提出具體的問題解決方式,或文字中呈現作者積極正 向的態度時,則能發揮對個人領悟作用。 最後, 根據研究結果提出 建議 如下 ︰(1) 遭遇情緒困擾問題的基督徒學生, 遭遇情緒困擾問題的基督徒學生, 可透過閱讀聖經舒緩個人的負面情緒 ;(2)教會及相關機構的學生團 教會及相關機構的學生團 契,可以聖經 作為基督徒學生的情緒療癒素材 ;(3)當事者之親友、師長專業心理諮商輔導 當事者之親友、師長專業心理諮商輔導 人員,可嘗試運用聖經作為情緒療癒素材輔導遭遇困擾問題的基督徒學生;(4)圖書館可展開發性目療法服務,為大學生及研究提供具有情緒癒 圖書館可展開發性目療法服務,為大學生及研究提供具有情緒癒 效用的宗教類素材,並舉辦相關主展書與講座 。


The Holy Bible is suitable reading material for bibliotherapy. Previous studies have found that when Christians read the Bible more often, they feel more satisfied with their daily lives. Many Christians and priests also agree that reading the Bible can help people endure hardships. Therefore, this study involved the application of bibliotherapy. The researcher deployed semi-structured in-depth interviews with 12 undergraduates and graduate students from National Taiwan University. This study evaluated the emotional healing efficacy of the Bible by examining the reasons that Christians continue to read the Bible as a daily habit and the emotional healing processes of identification, catharsis, and insight. Additionally, the factors that affected the emotional healing process were analyzed. The findings showed that most interviewees believed that reading the Bible alleviated their negative emotions. Stories and biographies, poetry, doctrines, symbolism, and historical narratives could provide a full process of emotional healing efficacy for Christians who suffer from such problems as struggling with their future careers, relationships with others, feeling ashamed of their religious beliefs, self-identity problems, negative emotion regulation, breakups with significant others and grief from bereavement. The factors that affected emotional healing efficacy included the following: Christian students could relate their personal situations to the Bible; the infectious emotional expression of the authors or characters in the Bible; and the positive problem-solving methods or attitudes employed by the authors or characters. On the basis of the results of this study, the researcher suggests that Christian undergraduate and graduate students and their friends and tutors could use the Bible as a emotional healing reading material. Furthermore, churches could adopt the theory and method of developmental bibliotherapy and apply the concept of bibliotherapy to curricular Bible-reading activities. The researcher also recommends that libraries attempt to develop bibliotherapeutic services and identify emotional healing materials from their collections.


周功和(2012)。聖經底本無誤論 論證的重述與方法的再思。華神期刊,4,10-41。


