  • 學位論文


Functional Ligament Tissue Engineering with Crimped Fibrous Scaffolds

指導教授 : 趙本秀




Collagen fibers of ligaments and tendons exhibit crimp patterns that contribute to tissue mechanical functionality. In tissue engineering, electrospinning is widely used to generate aligned fibrous material that simulate the collagen fiber bundles. Moreover, aligned wavy fibrous scaffolds can recapitulate the mechanical functionality of the native tissue. The wavy fibers are also cell instructive, promoting ligamentogenic expression profiles. However, inhomogeneous construct development from poor cell infiltration is a significant issue in its application is tissue engineering. We successfully demonstrated that by straightening the wavy fibers with static stretch during initial culture, significant cell infiltration improvement was achieved. We further investigate the long-term effects of biochemical and mechanical stimulation on fibroblast seeded scaffolds. In our study, pre-stretch and sequential growth factor supplementation, led to a more homogeneous wavy fibrous construct with enhanced matrix content in five weeks.


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