  • 學位論文


The mechanical design of eye massage device for eliminating visual fatigue

指導教授 : 邵耀華


本研究計畫將利用量測閃光融合閾值與主觀視覺疲勞評量表來判別使用眼部按摩器後會有什麼樣的變化,眼部按摩器採用自行設計的氣壓按摩專門按壓承泣穴、攢竹穴之設備,利用氣壓的加壓與釋放達到類似手指按摩的方法,藉此確認按摩承泣穴、攢竹穴這兩處可否達到更好的消除視覺疲勞之功效。 本研究計畫將選擇三名年滿二十歲者,排除標準為曾受眼科手術史者,有任何眼部疾病、任何全身性疾病如高血壓(hypertension),糖尿病(diabetes mellitus)等、斜視(strabismus)、高圓柱形誤差(high cylindrical error (>6 D))或眼內壓超過21毫米汞柱高,或因外週和中樞神經系統疾病導致神經元損傷如多發性硬化症(multiple sclerosis),腦血管炎(cranial vasculitis)等的研究參與者。研究參與者將在兩種不同的情況下進行實驗,分別為閱讀藍底白字、字體大小為9pts、行間距為1.5的文章後進行按摩,以及無閱讀文章進行按摩。兩種情況皆固定於用餐後30分鐘進行實驗。本研究將比較在閱讀完文章後有明顯視覺疲勞者與無閱讀文章其視覺疲勞程度較不明顯者使用眼部按摩器,其消除視覺疲勞效果。 最後實驗結果顯示,閱讀完文章後使用眼部按摩器,無論是改造後針對承泣穴、攢竹穴進行按摩的眼部按摩器,亦或是改造前的眼部按摩器,兩者消除視覺疲勞的效果皆有統計學上的差異(p value<0.05)。但在無閱讀文章的情況下,兩者消除視覺疲勞的效果僅有主觀視覺疲勞評量表的問題一、問題三與問題五有統計學上的差異(p value<0.05)。而針對攢竹穴與承泣穴進行按摩的眼部按摩器與改造前的眼部按摩器兩者在閱讀完文章後按摩對於消除視覺疲勞的效果僅有主觀視覺疲勞評量表的問題一與問題四有統計學上的差異(p value<0.05),而在沒有閱讀文章的情況下消除視覺疲勞的效果僅在問題一有統計學上的差異(p value<0.05)。而在閱讀完文章後使用改造前後的眼部按摩器其消除視覺疲勞的效果皆優於閉眼休息(p value<0.05),但在一般情況下使用改造前後的眼部按摩器其消除視覺疲勞的效果與閉眼休息無顯著差異(p value>0.05)。 本研究測量眼部按摩器對於消除視覺疲勞的效果,發現若在有明顯視覺疲勞情況下使用眼部按摩器按摩眼周,可有效消除視覺疲勞,其結果可佐證眼部按摩器其效用及定位使用族群與使用時機。而改造後針對攢竹穴與承泣穴進行加強按摩的眼部按摩器與改造前的眼部按摩器其消除視覺疲勞的效果雖然僅問題一與問題四有顯著差異,但這表示在改善視覺疲勞的程度亦有些許幫助,在未來可針對其他穴位按摩來比較消除視覺疲勞的效果是否有差異。


This research project will adopt the Critical Fusion Frequency and the subjective visual fatigue rating scale to investigate the changes occur after using the eye massager. The eye massager adopted in this study uses the self-designed air pressure massage to specifically press the Chéngqì and Zanzhu points. By compressing and releasing air pressure, it can achieve a method similar to finger massage to confirm whether the massage of the Chéngqì and Zanzhu points can have a better effect of eliminating visual fatigue. The present study will recruit three people who are over 20 years old; they have never had a history of eye surgery, any eye diseases, any systemic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, strabismus, high cylindrical error (>6 D), over 21 mm Hg of intraocular pressure, neuronal damage such as multiple sclerosis due to peripheral and central nervous system diseases, cranial vasculitis, and so on.The participants will conduct the experiments under two different situations, namely, massage after reading the articles with white letters on a blue background, the font size of 9pts, and 1.5 spacing, and massage without reading articles. In both situations, the experiment was carried out in 30 minutes after the meal. This research will compare the effects of an eye massager to eliminate visual fatigue for participants who have significant visual fatigue after reading the articles and those who have less obvious visual fatigue because of not reading articles. The results show that statistically significant differences can be found on the effects of both eye massagers after reading the articles (p<0.05), no matter the to massage Chéngqì and Zanzhu points after improvement or the one before improvement. As for the situation with no reading articles, the effect of eliminating visual fatigue from two eye massagers is only statistically different in item one, three and five of the subjective visual fatigue rating scale (p<0.05). In terms of the effects of eliminating visual fatigue after reading the articles, statistically differences from the eye massager specifically for Zanzhu and Chéngqì points and the eye massager before the improvement can only be found in item one and four (p<0.05). On the contrary, there was only a satistically difference on the effect of eliminating visual fatigue without reading the articles in item one (p <0.05). The effect of using both the eye massagers before and after the improvement to eliminate visual fatigue after reading the articles is better than shut-eye rest (p<0.05). Nonetheless, in general, there is no significant difference can between the effect of both the eye massagers before and after the improvement and shut-eye rest (p >0.05). The current study explores the effect of eye massagers on eliminating visual fatigue. It is found that using the eye massager to massage around the eyes when having obvious visual fatigue can effectively remove visual fatigue.; the results can corroborate the effectiveness of an eye massager and determine its target groups and the timing for use. Although a significant difference of the effect of eliminating visual fatigue can only be found in item one and item four between the eye massager for the Zanzhu and Chéngqì points and the one before the improvement, this indicates that they are still helpful for improving the visual fatigue to some extent. In the future, researchers are recommended to examine the effects of other acupressure on eliminating visual fatigue.


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