  • 學位論文


A Study on the Policy Tasks of Chunghwa Post

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


論文提要內容: 郵政公共服務是日常生活中不可或缺的公共服務之一,我國郵政為迎合自由化及民營化的世界潮流,分階段推動改制,於2003年元旦由具行政官署性質的郵政總局,改制為國營型態中華郵政股份有限公司, 完成第一階段郵政改制。因郵政公司依郵政法提供全體國民享有公平、合理、普遍性及均一且低廉資費的通信服務;郵政儲金具有鼓勵民眾儲蓄、促進資本形成、協助經建發展,提供政府辦理重大建設、民間投資計畫所需中長期資金及穩定貨幣政策等政策性任務,是否推動第二階段改制,朝民營化規劃,引起各方討論。 本文我國郵政政策性任務之研究,以公共選擇理論(public choice theory)研究途徑「人是自利」的假定觀點切入。藉由公共選擇理論研究途徑,對於造成市場失靈及政府失靈的原因,說明我國郵政為何擔負政策性任務,進而探討郵政民營化政策,其可能衍生公平與效率的問題, 分從支持面及反對面來探討郵政公司目前擔負的政策性任務。 為維持普及化服務的提供,照顧偏遠地區與弱勢民眾的用郵權利,多數國家對於保障郵政事業履行普及化服務所採取的方法如下: 一、運用專營權的保障,維持普及化的郵政服務。如:我國、中國、韓國及日本。 二、郵政事業享受稅收優惠。如:我國、中國及韓國。 三、政府成立普及化服務的基金。如:德國、中國及日本。 四、政府透過轉移業務收入的方式,對普及化服務進行補貼。 五、由國家財政直接撥款補貼普及化服務。 六、建立郵政資費調節機制。 郵政儲金若要去任務化,改制成銀行或金融機構,下列事項有待審慎評估: 一、郵政儲金與商業銀行性質不同。 二、郵政金融專業人才不足 三、影響金融市場穩定性 四、有違社會公益及便利性 五、有違市場公平競爭原則 六、郵政自有資本比例問題 七、國內銀行已呈飽和狀態 本研究有關郵遞業務政策建議如下: 一、郵遞業務民營化,給予普及服務提供者郵政專營權。 二、為維持郵政普及服務,成立普及化服務基金。 三、開放郵政業務,建立郵政監理制度。 有關郵政儲金建議仍維持國營公司形態,持續扮演金融穩定的功能,提供民眾安全可靠的存款管道,以有別於民營化的商業銀行。為提高郵政儲金運用效率及公開化作業,政策性建議如下: 一、直接融資政府機關相關建設。 二、郵政儲金運用資訊透明化。 三、有條件有範圍開放郵政儲金運用限制。


Postal service is one of the essential public services. To meet the global trends of liberalization and privatization, Chunghwa Post has made efforts to change its organizational restructure stage by stage. On January 1st, 2003, the original Directorate General of Posts, a governmental executive bureau, was restructured and converted into a state-run company entitled Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. This action marked the first step of the postal restructure. According to the Postal Act, Chunghwa Post provides all citizens a fair, reasonable and universal mail service with uniform and low postages. Furthermore, Chunghwa Post’s Postal Savings performs the policy tasks of encouraging savings, accumulating capital, strengthening economic development, providing medium-and- long- term fund for major governmental projects and private sector investment plans, and maintaining currency stability. For this reason, whether or not the second step of postal restructure, by progressing toward privatization, should be performed, has drawn a lot of attention and discussion. This thesis, a Study on Chunghwa Post’s Policy Tasks, is based on the public choice theory, with a viewpoint assuming that "human man is egoistic." By means of public choice theory, the thesis will employ the causes of the market failure and government failure to explain why the nation’s postal system should bear responsibility for performing policy tasks. Moreover, the thesis will discuss the policy of postal privatization, and the possible consequences regarding to fairness and efficiency. The thesis will present both the pros and cons of the postal company's privatization. In order to provide universal mail service and to protect the right to the usage of the underprivileged and people who reside in remote areas, many countries adopt the following policies to ensure the prevalence of postal services: 1. Make use of the postal service monopolistic to maintain its universal service.(e.g.:ROC, China, South Korea and Japan.) 2. The postal service benefits from tax concessions.(e.g.: ROC, China and South Korea.) 3. The Government sets up universal service funds.(e.g.: Germany, China and Japan.) 4. The Government subsidizes the postal service with other revenues. 5. The Government’s Treasure directly subsidizes the postal service. 6. Establish postal tariff adjustment mechanism. If the Postal Savings is to be converted from the policy task-oriented company into a bank or financial institution, the following issues need to be prudently evaluated: 1. The Postal Savings and commercial banks are different in nature. 2. The lack of postal finance professionals. 3. The influence on financial market’s stability. 4. Contradiction to public welfare and convenience. 5. Contradiction to the principle of free market competition. 6. The postal equity ratio issue. 7. Saturation of domestic banks. This study will provide the following suggestions about the mail service: 1.Privatize the mail service, and give the mail service provider exclusive rights in operation. 2.Establish universal service fund to maintain the universal mail service. 3.Open up certain services for the public and establish a supervisory system for oversight. The thesis so as to recommends that the Postal Savings should remain the form of a state-run company, and continue the function of financial stability and provide the public with a safe and reliable channel of deposits, which is distinctive from the private commercial banks. The thesis also makes the following suggestions to improve the efficiency of postal fund’s usage and open operation: 1. Directly finance the construction projects run by governmental agencies 2. Make the Postal Savings’ usage information more transparent. 3. Loosen up, within a certain condition and scope, on the Postal Savings’ usage.


郭昱瑩,2008a。財政職能與財政政策的析論 。研考雙月刊第32卷第2期,頁30-40。
郭昱瑩,2008b。公共財政與公共選擇的對話 。公共行政學報,第26期,頁159-169。
