  • 學位論文


Investigation of Rabies Virus and Hematologic Characters in Wild Ferret-Badger in the Eastern Taiwan

指導教授 : 季昭華


臺灣自1961年診斷出最後一個犬隻狂犬病陽性病例以後一直以來被視為無狂犬病疫情國家。然而2012-2013爆發了臺灣鼬獾(Melogale moschata subaurantiaca)的狂犬病疫情。本研究在2014年10月至2016年1月間於花東縱谷秀姑巒溪流域設誘捕籠捕捉鼬獾,監測狂犬病疫情及確認臺灣東部邊界位置。研究期間並詳細記錄發病鼬獾之臨床症狀及基礎臨床病理學特徵。研究捕獲之鼬獾於工作站短暫飼養1-3週,期間密切觀察記錄異常行為及疑似狂犬病症狀,並於麻醉中採集血液樣本進行全血球計數(complete blood count)及血液生化學(biochemistry)檢驗。調查期間死亡之鼬獾個體送至行政院農委會家畜衛生試驗所以螢光抗體試驗確診是否感染狂犬病,存活個體則送至特有生物研究中心隔離飼養至少180天確認是否發病。研究中共蒐集得30隻鼬獾,其中8隻確診狂犬病陽性。研究中所有陽性案例皆分布於秀姑巒溪及其上游支流拉庫拉庫溪以南,捕捉結果支持秀姑巒溪及其支流拉庫拉庫溪可能形成狂犬病在花東縱谷地區往北擴散之地理阻隔,也可做為防疫工作的天然防線。8隻狂犬病陽性鼬獾個體,其中3隻呈腦炎型(狂暴型)臨床症狀,2隻呈癱瘓型症狀。腦炎型症狀包括對外界刺激敏感、共濟失調、拱背、凶暴、攻擊非生命物體、自殘、抽搐、恐水症及過度流涎等,症狀可在1-3天內快速惡化。癱瘓型症狀主要為沉鬱、呆滯、虛弱,最後惡化至四肢癱瘓,發病時間觀察到最長為12日。臨床病理學檢驗結果發現在狂犬病陽性鼬獾之特徵包括淋巴球比例下降、血中尿素氮(BUN)上升、血鈣下降、血磷上升等,後三者之表現為腎衰竭的特徵,可能和狂犬病症狀造成鼬獾脫水導致腎臟灌流不足有關。


狂犬病 鼬獾 監測 臨床症狀 血液學 臨床病理


Taiwan was considered a rabies-free country after the last reported dog case in 1961. However, during 2012-2013 a rabies out-break among ferret badgers (Melogale moschata subaurantiaca) occurred. During October 2014 to January 2016, an active rabies surveillance and monitoring program in ferret badgers was carried out in basin of the Siouguluan River, for determining the boundary of the disease in eastern part of Taiwan. Clinical signs & clinical pathologic characters were observed and recorded. Captured ferret badgers were kept for 1-3 week of quarantine. During the period any abnormal behavior and suspected rabies signs were recorded carefully, blood samples were collected for complete blood count and biochemistry test under general anesthesia. During the study, dead animals were submitted to Animal Health Research Institute for confirmation of rabies though necropsy and fluorescent antibody test (FAT). Alive ferret badger were kept under observation for 180 days to confirm infection of the disease or not. In this study, 30 ferrets were collected and there are 8 ferret badgers were rabies positive. All of the rabid cases were collected from south side of Siouguluan River and its branch named Lakulaku – suggested that these river might act as natural barriers for rabies spread in East Rift Valley of Taiwan. 3 of 8 rabies positive ferret badgers developed encephalitic (furious) signs include irritable, increased responses to auditory & visual stimuli, aggression, self-mutilation, tremor, hydrophobia and hypersalivation, clinical signs would deteriorated in 1-3 days. 2 of 8 ferret badgers demonstrated paralytic form of rabies. Major signs were lethargy, dullness, weakness, progressive tetraparesis and signs may last longer for 12 days. Clinical pathologic characters in rabid ferret badger were noted as decreased percentage of lymphocytes, renal failure signs included increase of blood urea nitrogen concentration, decrease blood calcium level and increase blood phosphate concentration.


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