  • 學位論文


Relationships between Quality of Work Life and Intention to Leave in Clinical Research Nurses

指導教授 : 林艷君


研究背景與目的:臨床試驗執行過程的品質與新藥研發及藥品能否成功上市息息相關。 臨床研究團隊中,具有專業知識技能與經驗的臨床研究護理師對於臨床試驗品質及計 劃書內容執行之遵守度影響很大。然而,目前由於相關法規與醫院內部相關支持環境 未臻成熟,導致研究護理師在執行業務時往往面臨許多困境,進而影響其留任的意願。 故本研究目的希望能探討研究護理師工作生活品質與離職傾向的相關性,並提出改善 之建議,以增進臨床研究護理師之留任,進而提高護理照護與臨床試驗品質。 研究方法:本研究採橫斷性調查法、立意取樣方式於台灣各醫學中心或地區醫院進行 問卷調查。收案方式以滾雪球方式進行,研究工具為參考文獻後自行發展而成的「臨 床研究護理師工作生活品質與離職傾向問卷」。所得資料以統計軟體 SPSS 22.0 版進 行描述性統計、獨立 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關與多元迴歸分析。質性 資料則以內容分析法進行主題分類方式呈現。 結果:研究者共詢問 13 位任職於全台各醫院臨床研究護理師協助以滾雪球方式收集得 有效問卷 134 份(有效回收率 97.8%)。研究結果顯示:(1)整體調查對象的工作生活品 質為中立偏滿意,平均分數為 3.87(滿分為 6 分)。工作生活品質各次量表中,平均得 分最高為安全、專業認同、支持的環境;最低為工作安排與工作量。(2)離職傾向平均 為 2.76 分(滿分為 5 分),66.1%表示這半年內可能不會離職,顯示多數研究護理師傾 向留任。45.6%顯示可能有離開工作機構的傾向,49.5%則可能離開臨床研究護理專業。 (3)總體工作生活品質、現職聘僱單位工作年資大於五年、目前執行試驗案種類為兒科 或醫療器材為離職傾向之顯著影響因子,可解釋總變異量為 38.3%。 結論:結果顯示研究護理師的工作生活品質滿意度會影響其離職傾向。建議未來應改 善臨床試驗計畫執行環境與標準作業程序、積極籌建相關專業證照與執業進階制度之 規劃、制定聘僱標準與升遷福利制度、護理年資與臨床研究護理師年資之計算,以提 升研究護理師的專業角色定位及工作生活品質,進而改善研究護理師的留任意願與台 灣臨床試驗的品質。


Background: Quality on the clinical research nurse (CRN) is critical in respect to the success of the clinical trials, but the causes are not fully understanding why CRNs leave their job. Quality of work life (QWL) plays a significant role in nurse turnover. However, very limited attention has been explored to seek the relationship between QWL and CRN turnover. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between QWL and intention to leave in clinical research nurses. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study. The clinical research nurses were recruided using snowball sampling from the medical centers and regional hospitals in Taiwan. The “quality of woring life and intention to leave of clinical research nurse” questionnaire was used to gather information about clinical research nurses’ characteristics, QWL, and intention to leave. Six open questions were used to collect qualitative data. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis by using SPSS version 22.0. Result: A total of 134 participitators returned the questionnaires. The effective recovery ratio of questionnaire was 97.8%. The results of this study showed that (1) the average score of QWL were 3.87, presenting the medium level of quality of work life. The highest mean scores of subscales in QWL were supportive milieu with security and professional recognition. The lowest mean scores of subscale in QWL were work arrangement and workload. (2) The average scores of intentions to leave were 2.76, 66.1% of the CRN had not considered leaving the job within 6 months. “The intentions of a CRN to leave the organization“ and “the intentions of a CRN to leave clinical research nursing profession” were 45.6% and 49.5% respectively. (3) The overall QWL, over a 5-years work expectance at the current organization and institution, and involvement in children or medical equipment trials, which could explain 38.3% of the total variance for intention to leave. Conclusion: The study has indicated that QWL is associated with the intention to leave for CRN. The government should enhance professional education of clinical research by improving their work conditions and environment, salary and career development. These efforts will benefit the improvement on the outcome of patients care, and clinical trial quality.


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