  • 學位論文


Competitive Strategies in Semiconductor CMOS Image Sensor Companies

指導教授 : 巫和懋 江炯聰


近年來全球影像感測元件市場隨著照相手機、數位相機與個人電腦視訊攝影機等消費性電子產品快速成長而以每年30%的年複合成長率呈高度成長。台灣影像感測元件產業廠商需有效地整合半導體上下游代工廠商以形成具有競爭優勢的合作模式。 本論文主要是探討影像感測元件產業中Fabless廠商與Wafer Foundry廠商的優勢競爭策略。分析IC產業垂直整合分工演進歷程、CIS供應商模式與競爭力、競爭優勢策略、Fabless-Foundry交易模式、垂直整合考量要素及賽局推演與衝突化解等相關議題後,得到以下三點結論: 一、CIS的發展趨勢,提供給Fabless與Wafer Foundry廠商一個大量滲透IS市場的競爭利基。 二、CIS產業中Fabless領導廠商與Wafer Foundry領導廠商策略合資成立後段CF/OCM/WLCSP製造服務公司,可強化彼此的合作關係拉大與競爭者的差距而且能夠維持長期競爭優勢,進而足與IDM的領導廠商相抗衡。 三、Fabless-Foundry合資模式下產生「價格與產能策略衝突」可由Wafer Foundry廠商尋求其他合作關係,提供產能支援彈性與優惠代工價格;「價格策略衝突」則由動態賽局和相關參數的敏感度分析中可發現經由Fabless公司適當的股權比例與合資公司成本優勢,競爭對手的低價搶單策略難以發揮效用;「產能策略衝突」可透過TOC衝突圖的分析,合資者可以『營運綜效與直接財務回饋』的投資報酬率評估模式來化解本衝突。


Global CMOS Image Sensor industry isgrowing rapidly in recent years along with camera phone、DSC、notebook camera and other consumer electronic devices with an estimated growth rate of 30% ACGR. Taiwan CIS companies ought to integrate wafer foundry、back-end testing and package companies to efficiently form a global competitive business model. In this paper the author focuses on the competitive strategies for both fabless and wafer foundry companies within the CIS industry. The conclusion below summarises by the analysis of industry issues, the evolution of IC industry、the CIS supply model and strategy、the competitive strategies、the Fabless-Foundry business transaction model、the vertical integration factorsand the industry game theory and conflict reconciliation. (a) The rapid growth of the CIS industry provides both fabless and wafer foundry companies a sustainable competitive niche to penetrate the marketplace. (b) In the CIS industry, the leaders of both fabless and wafer foundry have established a joint venture in the back-end CF/OCM/WLCSP manufacturing services and have strengthened mutual partnership to widen the competitive gap with other competitors, maintained competition advantage for the long time and further challenge IDM for marketshare leadership. (c) "Price Strategy Conflict" is caused by competitive forces that try to capture market share by low cost pricing strategy. This competitive force can be quantified by the sensitivity analysis of dynamic game theory as well as the various parameters of the competitors. Indeed, this external influence can make an impact on the Joint Venture and cause considerable conflict. This conflict; however, can be managed by a balanced investment into the Joint Venture by the fabless company. "Capacity Strategy Conflict" is caused by the conflicting objectives of both JV shareholders - both in satisfying customer capacity needs as well as meeting the financial requirements imposed by financial metrics such as return on assets. Hence, through TOC analysis, it is recommended that the shareholders should develop a model that combines the need to satisfy operational capacity constraints as well as financial returns for their investment in order to optimize the results in the JV.


CMOS Image Sensor Game theory Strategy


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