  • 學位論文


Qualitative Exploration of Mentoring Relationship of Young People Leaving Care: CCSA’s Mentoring Program as an Example

指導教授 : 陳毓文


近年來,國內研究證實自立少年生活適應確實面臨諸多挑戰,各種自立生活服務也在逐步開展與建置中,但目前相關服務仍以提供實質協助為主,自立少年的心理社會需求相對被忽視。相較之下,國外自立生活服務的核心價值從「獨立」轉變「互相依存」,強調自立少年不應孤軍奮戰而需要安全的社會網絡支持。再者,自立少年成長歷程缺乏機會跟人建立長期信任關係,社會支持網絡較為薄弱。在國外經驗中,良師益友方案(協助青少年與成人建立穩定且正向的關係)被視為可行的服務策略之一,但我國目前僅中華育幼機構兒童關懷協會(CCSA)援引美國經驗而推行「Mentor青年導師方案」。因此,本研究訪談四個建立關係一年以上且仍保持聯絡的良師益友與自立少年配對及兩位執行方案的社工,檢視良師益友關係的互動特質、關係發展與要素、關係意義以及方案實務與挑戰。 本研究發現良師益友互動關係呈現同理�距離感與自卑感、尊重�勉強與愧疚,以及真誠�偽裝與隔一道牆等面貌;其中,僅一個配對得以維持關係成長,其他三個配對似乎出現關係衰退的趨勢,這跟良師益友對關係的期待、共同興趣、良師益友的耐心與毅力、相處時間多寡以及雙方情感連結深度有關。此外,良師益友關係對雙方都有意義,除促進自立少年的認知、社會情緒及認同發展外,良師益友也得以建立跨世代的友誼關係、提升自我價值以及獲得自我成長機會。再者,因該方案推動過程較倉促且缺乏本土的實務操作經驗,本研究亦如實呈現方案的執行狀況與面臨的挑戰。最後,依據上述研究發現提出若干建議,包括:安置期間就建立良師益友關係、良師益友以既有生活圈成人為優先,以及發展有效的良師益友關係方案等三大部分,作為未來發展相關服務之參考。


In Taiwan, many researchers found that young people leaving care have encountered various challenges as transitioning to adulthood. Although the independent living services have been established gradually, most of them are designed to provide concrete support while these adolescents’ emotional and social needs are relatively ignored. Comparatively, the core value of foreign independent living service has changed from independence to interdependence, which emphasizes the importance of safe social support network. Furthermore, young people leaving care usually lacked opportunities to establish a positive and long-termed relationship with an adult, making their social support even weaker. The mentoring program is considered a popular strategy to increase youth’s access to adult sources of support in America and Britain. However, only the Chinese Childrenhome & Shelter Association (CCSA) offers mentoring program for young people leaving care in Taiwan. Therefore, this study attempted to understand the interaction quality, development, vital elements and meaning of relationship, as well as the program practice and the challenges faced. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with four adolescent and mentor pairs who have been in a continuous mentoring relationship for a minimum of 1 year and two social workers. The findings suggested several themes within a mentoring relationship. Firstly, the interaction qualities were identified as empathy versus distance and sense of inferiority, respect versus reluctance and sense of guilt, and authenticity versus self-protective behavior. Among four pairs, only one pair’s relationship development kept growing while the others’ seemed to decline. And the vital elements included mentor’s expectation to the relationship, shared interests, mentor’s patience and perseverance, the time spent together, and the degree of emotional bonding. Secondly, the mentoring experience is meaningful for both of them. The mentoring relationship promoted adolescent development in social-emotional, cognitive, and identity domains. For mentors, they built cross-generational friendship, enhanced their sense of self-value, and gained self-growth opportunities. Thirdly, as this program was established hastily and lacked local experiences as references, this study also discussed the experiences and challenges the social workers had faced. Finally, based on the outcomes, the proposed intervention strategies included cultivating mentoring relationship in foster care, taking priority to develop relationship with natural mentors, and developing an effective mentoring program.


