  • 學位論文


How to explain the evolution of trade shows and its influences: The case of Taiwan’s International Machine Tool Trade Shows

指導教授 : 陳良治




Using Taiwan’s international machine tool trade shows as the examples, this thesis aims to understand the processes underlying and factors influencing the development and differentiation of trade shows. With the supports from Taiwan’s machine tool industry and governments, Taiwan’s main international machine tool trade show, i.e. Taipei International Machine Tool Show (TIMTOS) has maintained stable growth in the past decades. However, owing to the emergence of unsatisfied needs for the exhibition, some Taiwanese machine tool major firms initiated to hold a new international show, i.e. Taiwan International Machine Tool Show (TMTS), in central Taiwan in 2010. Ever since the differentiation of Taiwan’s international machine tool show, both TIMTOS and TMTS have grown and become specialized. According to this study, such processes were affected by various interactive relationships among factors including central government, cluster and industry. Moreover, such processes also made great influences on Taiwan’s machine tool industry, its cluster and trade show policies.


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