  • 學位論文

精品消費行為之研究: 奢侈民主化

New Luxury: Current Trends and Future Strategies

指導教授 : 陳文華


精品─也就是奢侈品,是具有相當的魅力與迷人之處的,而精品的擁有,在奢侈民主化的時代裡,對許多人而言,不再是個遙不可及的夢想。所有最頂尖的設計、創意、工藝、美學、時尚、極致及科技,都能夠透過「奢侈民主化」的模式呈現在消費者的面前. 本研究將經由相關文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,以美國, 歐洲地區消費者及精品公司的關鍵成功因素為研究對象. 本研究發現奢華消費的市場是龐大且動態,並且也代表著企業商機所在。一個成功的奢華行銷策略是必須能夠去定義出它們真正的消費者,了解他們的需求,並且提供超乎想像的價值給他們,且還能與他們維持長久的關係。透過探索奢華消費者心理的自我概念,我們可以清楚了解到一個奢華消費者是如何決定他們購買動機. 現今是以顧客為主的市場,消費者的意識抬頭,我們怎樣才能留住顧客的心,是專業經理人所關切的課題。因此廠商須透過品牌策略,擬定良好的通路策略與完善的競爭策略提升整體品牌績效達到獲利的目標。


精品 奢侈民主化 品牌策略


Across the globe, the new luxury industry has seen remarkable growth and structural dynamism. The structure of the industry began to transform significantly over the past decade as the world’s consumers enjoy higher real income and as a result, they are willing to pay premiums of 20 to 200 percent for the affordable luxury offerings not found before in the mass middle market. With new luxury sales reaching $400 billion in 2003 in the US and on the rise, there is increased competition among marketers and tremendous opportunity to grow. The new luxury phenomenon is undeniable. In fact, there is a new egalitarianism or democratization of luxury developing over the past decade, which is pressuring the top-tier marketers to innovate faster and think quicker in order to stay ahead of the crowd. The new luxury market has experienced tremendous growth over the past decade and is growing substantially annually. The trends for the world mimic what is expected from the US where 47 million middle market households (defined as those with an annual income of $50,000 or more) desire new luxury products and services. Globally the trend is also on the steep incline with continued support from Europe and Japan and the emerging and considerable markets of China and India. Companies at the new luxury forefront are achieving levels of profitability and growth beyond the reach of their conventional competitors. “Old luxury” was what was rare and hard to acquire because of its refined qualities. The good required the highest standards and talent to manufacture and included the best and often most expensive of materials and therefore the object was only available to the very rich. Today’s “new luxury" is readily available to the middle classes who have increasingly greater amounts of disposable income, time and aspirations. However you want to define luxury, though, one thing is certain: it is now commonplace and affordable. Disposable income has risen dramatically over the past 30 years and there is more money to spend on the extras. Consumers know what they desire and they must always look upward towards goals ahead of their reach. It is up to the luxurious brands to provide the symbols of achievement, the rewards of wealth, the ultimate experience and the long term satisfaction of ownership which is becoming harder and harder as more brands become accessible to the mass market. Companies should focus on their best customers and look for new and better ways to reach them. They must constantly innovate and improve the design and desirability of the product and experience. This thesis attempts to offer an analysis of the fundamental changes the industry is currently undergoing by addressing the major issues facing the new luxury industry and those who service it. Further, it proposes a few strategies that will help new luxury marketers and service providers remain competitive and successful.


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