  • 學位論文


A Study on the Business Model of IT Distributor for Enterprise IT System Products in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁


資訊工業經過幾十年來的發展與努力,不論規模及應用,都呈現越來越普及、越來越複雜之現象。台灣的資訊工業,在硬體方面已成為全球市場前五大之製造國,在軟體方面則擁有華文市場之優勢。這二部份之組合也帶動整體資訊服務業之發展。然而,國內經濟景氣成長遲緩,產業因應全球化競爭,而產生產業外移現象,都影響資訊服務產業之發展,也使企業資訊系統產品代理商的營運受到影響,企業資訊系統產品代理商如何選擇營運的策略以取得競爭優勢?台灣企業資訊系統產品代理商的關鍵成功因素及成功的商業模式為何? 本研究將針對這些問題,以產業分析與策略規劃的邏輯,提出系統性的回應。具體而言,本研究希望藉由理論基礎及資訊產業發展的現況及未來趨勢,找出各代理商的關鍵成功因素,並依此找出企業資訊系統產品代理商成功的商業模式,希望能提供企業資訊系統產品代理商做為未來經營之參考。 本研究先以資訊服務產業現狀、結構進行探討,再應用價值鏈分析及產業內競爭分析來找出各代理商的關鍵成功因素,接著依關鍵成功因素來進行策略群組分析,並以國內已上市、櫃具代表性的企業資訊系統產品代理商的歷史營運資料為佐證,發現不同群組之代理商間的商業模式不同,進一步以市場佔有率、產品線、成本導向及提高附加價值等不同策略方向,解析群組間之營運績效,最後再解析群組間之移動障礙。 資訊服務業的營業收入大多來自於產品及服務兩部份,本研究建議現有系統產品代理商應多著墨於資訊軟體產品及服務部份,如此才不致因資訊硬體的標準化越來越高,硬體產品降價快速且常有削價競爭狀況,而導致企業發展受限。而企業資訊系統產品代理商因應產業越來越成熟化,在規模經濟及深耕客戶提高附加價值上,應多努力,並擴大範疇經濟,進行全球市場佈局,才能面對越來越激烈之競爭。


After decades of development, the IT industry in Taiwan has become more available to everyone and yet more sophisticated at the same time with regards to its scale and application. In terms of hardware, Taiwan has become one of the top five manufacturing countries in the world; the IT industry of Taiwan also has gained competitive advantages in the Chinese language markets in the software sector. The combination of these two factors has also brought about the development of the entire IT service industry in the country. However, economic growth in the country has slowed down considerably in recent years, and the fact that industries are moving abroad in response to global competition has had negative impact on the development of the domestic IT service industry, which in turn has affected the operation of the distribution companies of enterprise IT system product. This present study attempts to answer issues such as how enterprise IT system product distributors should select their strategies to gain a competitive edge and determine the critical elements of success and business models adopted by major players in the distribution sector for enterprise IT system product in Taiwan. In short, this study was carried out in the hopes of providing suggestions on ways of operation in the future for the distributors of enterprise IT system products. This study will begin by discussing the present situation and the structure of the IT service industry and then determining the key successful factors of various types of distributors by applying value chain analysis within the industry. We will then provide a strategic group analysis based on the key successful factor. Based on the operational data of major IT distributors that are listed in the Taiwan capital market, our study identified different business models that have been adopted by different distributors and further analyze their operating performance by examining the different strategic directions such as market shares, product lines, cost orientations and increasing added value. Finally, the study pinpointed the mobility barriers that were hindering movements between the groups. Implications of findings are discussed.


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